Chapter 2

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"Honey, I need you to first calm down and then I'll explain everything", says my dad.

"O-okay dad," I reply while trying to get my breathing back to normal and hold back the rest of my tears.

"I'll start from the beginning. So, I already told you about how your mum and I met in a cafe which was so cliche but oh well," he joked trying to lighten the mood but it didn't exactly work and I just kept looking at him expecting him to just get to the point so that I could understand what was happening to me.

"Anyways, your mum wasn't normal like every one else, she was special. And by that I mean she had.....supernatural abilities." He continued warily waiting for my reaction.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I wondered if he was messing with me. I was staring at him for a few seconds until I decided to voice my thoughts. "Dad, this isn't the time for your jokes cause that just sounds impossible."

"No, I'm serious Eli, your mum was a fae which is a supernatural being that looks like a human but can shift into a human-like form that has sharp-pointed ears and wings. They also have magical abilities. Your mum was a fae that had magical abilities which were many but she didn't use them that much. When I met your mum, she had decided that she wanted to live a normal life and didn't want anything to do with the magical realm apart from obviously using a little bit of telekinesis when she wanted." As my dad said all of this, I was just staring at him with my mouth hanging open. I felt like I was about to lose my mind.

***Photo of a fae above***

"How did i not know about this? I didn't think you and mum would keep something like that from me." I questioned my dad.

"She loved you so much and just wanted to protect you and besides you were too young to understand at that time. She wanted to have a normal life and for you to have a normal childhood away from the magical realm. We did what we thought was best for you. Now that this has happened, you can't have a normal life and there's no going back. But that's all I can explain. We both knew this would moment would happen so your mum wrote you a letter explaining everything which she told me to give you on your 16th birthday incase she wasn't around to be able to explain herself." He said this and stood up to go get me the letter.

After, a few minutes of me trying to make sense of everything that happened my dad came back to my room with the letter in his hands. He handed it to me and reminded me that she loved me so much then left the room to give me space to read it.

I held the letter in my hands and stared at it without opening it. To be honest I was too scared to find out what that letter contained. This was the first type of communication I was getting from my mum since she died. However, if I wanted to understand what was going on, I had to be brave and open the letter.

So I opened up the envelope and took the letter out and what I saw made me cry even before I read the whole letter. She had a very neat handwriting and the first line "Hey Princess, " brought me to tears because she was the only person who called me that, not even my dad because he called me his "little angel" . I decided to take a second to calm down then I started reading the letter.

Hey guys,
Please comment on how you are liking the book so far? And I think I might update the next chapter sooner cause I'm in holidays with nothing much to do. Anyways.hope you are enjoying your holidays.


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