Chapter 17

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Caitlyn's POV:

When I woke up, it was pitch black. I started wondering where I was; my room is never this dark when I wake up, even when it's dark outside. I sat up and noticed that I was still in my jeans and clothes from yesterday. I turned around, only to see someone lying on the floor next to the bed. Still half asleep and really freaked out, I screamed. The body shot up and looked over at me before getting up and turning on the light.

"Caitlyn? What's wrong?" Luke asked me, rubbing his eyes.

"Luke!" I shout.

"My dad's home, shut up!" Luke told me, obviously not realising that I was angry.

"What the hell? Why did you not wake me up earlier?" I asked him. I was really angry with him. Why would he not wake me up? My mum's going to be so angry at me when I get home! How am I meant to explain that I fell asleep and Luke decided to make me stay round? She probably won't like him after this; I know she's going to be pissed. So would my dad.

"It was really late. You were in a really deep sleep, I thought you could just stay here." he told me, shrugging his shoulders.

"You can't just do that Luke! Do you have any idea how worried my parents are going to be? Luke, I can't believe you!" I said angrily. I stood up and rushed around his room, picking up all my stuff. Quickly, I looked over at his clock and saw that it was just past 5am.

"What are you doing now?" Luke asked me.

"Going home! My parents probably haven't slept, Luke! I obviously didn't even text her or anything!" I said, opening his door and walking downstairs. Despite how angry I was, I tried to be a bit quiet, I didn't want to wake Luke's dad.

Luke followed me down the stairs, making no effort to be quiet at all, stomping on the stairs, telling me to wait. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, he grabbed my arm, pulling me to face him.

"Let go Luke! I need to go home!" I said, ripping my arm from his grasp and reaching for the door handle.

"Fuck Caitlyn, stop being so difficult!" Luke told me. When I turned to look at him, he was pulling his hand through his hair, trying to pull it from his face so that it was back in a quiff.

"I wouldn't be doing this if you had of woken me up! I wouldn't even be here!" I told him. Why would he just not let me go home? I was in enough trouble as it is.

"So what then? You're just going to walk home? Buses don't run this early Caitlyn. I knew you would react like this! I would have woken you around six to take you home, but of course you had to wake up and make a massive deal out of it! If it really matters, I'll explain to your mum that it was my fault." Luke told me. He was pulling on a pair of shoes now.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"What the hell do you think I'm doing Caitlyn? I'm taking you home." he told me, pushing past me and walking out the door. I just stood here for a minute, taking in everything that just happened before I finally followed him to his car, closing the front door behind me.

When I got in the car, Luke already had the car on. As soon as I closed the door, he was driving off. I just sat there, looking out the window trying to think of how my parents are going to react when I get in.

The rest of the car journey was silent. I didn't want to talk to Luke. Right now, I was thankful for his terrible fast driving. The quicker I got home the better. A few minutes later, he pulled up outside my house and just sat there, his head resting on his hand. I got out the car and rushed to the front door of my house. Pulling the key from my bag, I went inside without looking to see if Luke was still there or not.

Bullied By Luke Hemmings.Where stories live. Discover now