Soul Sisters ♛

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

Ramona, Max, and I were sitting on the couch, when Jackson walked in eating a sandwich and dribbling a basketball at the same time.

"Hey, check it out. I'm bouncing a ball while eating a sandwich." Jackson said

"Wow, you really are special." Max joked, making me laugh

"Will you guys pipe down. I'm sending pictures to my true love, Marius, in Japan. But I can't decide on my best side. They're both so good!" Ramona groaned, standing to the side.

"Aw, man! I bounced my sandwich instead of my ball." Jackson groaned after dropping his sandwich.

"You dummy." Max said

Jackson chunked the basketball at Max. I had to lean back, but it knocked my drink out of my hand.

"Now you're gonna get it!" I said, picking up the ball and chucking it at his leg

"Ow!" He groaned

"Serves you right." I smirked

"Hey, I wanna throw too! He hit my IPad." Max begged

I picked up the ball and handed it to him, "Be my guest."

"How do you work this thing?" Max asked

Max chucked the ball. Jackson ducked, and it hit off the mariner's head, making us all gasp

"Oh, Max! Look what you just did!" Jackson said

Max made a weird high pitch squeak in response

"The Ancient Mariner has been in the family for generations. I heard grandpa Danny bought it in a garage sale in 1908." Jackson cried

I just stared at him, not being able to tell if he was joking or genuinely that dumb.

"You broke his hat." I said, picking it up off of the floor

"And his nose." Ramona added

"And his ear." Max continued, "Oh, why did I throw that ball? I don't throw balls. I don't catch balls. I don't like balls."

"That's what she said." I muttered to myself

We all sat in the couch to examine the broken parts, "Max, don't freak out."

"But I'm the good kid. I never get in trouble. Nine years of perfect behavior right down the drain." Max insisted

"Relax. We can glue him back together, and your mom will never know." I said

"Really? You're the greatest person in the planet." Max smiled, hugging my arm

"I haven't done anything yet." I said

"Well, you put it out there, so you'd better deliver." Max finished before walking away


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