1.1 (The Start)

453 20 15

Danny's POV

"So Danny this is your room, your father should be here by 5:00" The red-headed secretary, I believe named Pepper Potts, stated once done showing me the house

"So instead of my real dad coming to pick me up, it's his secretary instead?" I ask

"Well Mr. Stark is very busy being the CEO of Stark Industries" She replied simply

"Or he's out being Iron Man?" I reply jokingly

"Well yes, but... well I'm almost certain he's doing CEO business" Pepper replies hesitantly

"Well, maybe you should check on him. ill stay here and unpack, maybe wander after but ill be fine on my own." I coax waving my hand for her to go

"I'll be on my way then, there's food and drinks in the fridge if you need them." She adds as she leaves

I start unpacking my things part where my clothes and small belongings, the harder were my mom and I guess step-dads blueprints and ghost gadgets that survived the explosion

*Time Skip of Exploration*

I got done unpacking in under 2 hours, I had some food, then went exploring

Eventually, I got drawn to the basement. I got down the stairs and saw a glass wall with a glass door in it, I peer through it and see the Iron Man suits lined up on the far wall of what I could guess was a workshop, I go to the door but realize it's locked by a keypad realizing I don't know the code I simply phase through the glass and started admiring the armor

'Sir, perhaps you would like a closer look?' a robot voice asked

"Sure... um"

'You may call me Jarvis, sir'

"Ya Jarvis I would love to take a closer look at one but I don't wanna break one do you have like, blueprints?"

'Of course sir' Javis states showing some sort of 3D holographic blueprint of a suit, seeing this gave me an idea

"Hey Jarvis, can you scan items or other blueprints and make them 3D like this one?" I ask

'Of course, Sir' he responds

I quickly went ups stairs grabbed the equipment and rush down again having everything scanned and reformated into the 3D space, I save everything to a secure space thanks to Javis. I've spent the last hour tinkering with a few schematics fixing the failed inventions and reformatting other on or into the suit design when I heard a voice behind me

"So my new son is an inventor and smart enough to get in my workshop" Tony Stark himself spoke

"Well, these aren't my design they were my mom's and stepdad's inventions I'm just tweaking them like some are just old blueprints and some never worked right" I explain moving the designs to their folder

"Nonsense... is this a thermos?" He asked picking up the Fenton Thermos

"That's the Fenton Thermos, its able to capture and hold beings comprised of ectoplasm, also known as ghost" I explain the device

"You say it can catch a ghost but has it been tested?" Tony asked pointing it at things

"it works, I should know I've captured a few ghosts with them, so FYI don't push any buttons on them since I don't have a way to send them home and all." I say all too late as he pushed the button releasing the ghost

"A little green dog?" He asked as it came and cuddled against my leg

"Oh I forgot I accidentally captured you Cujo" I told the dog as I pick him up

"The name doesn't fit the little dog but is it your dog" Tony questioned

"Oh the name fits more than you think, and sorta" I state cleaning up my stuff

"Kid? Were you making an upgraded Iron Man suit with these gadgets?" He asked admiring the 3D model

"Ya, but it was for fun nothing more. But if I wanted to make anything it would be this" I reply showing the schematics for the Ghost Portal

"What's it supposed to do?"

"Well it allows the exploration of a world unseen and would allow me to empty the Fenton Thermoses of ghosts" I simply state putting away the schematics

"Well How about we talk more over some dinner, I'm feeling Chinese hows that sound?" Tony asks leading the way upstairs



Under 716 words so short but a start none the less, I'm going to skip Iron Man 1 because I can't remember what happens and I can't see the movie for a while 

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