Vikklan- Groggy

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

When I found out that Vikk had broken his collarbone the first thing I did was rush up to the medical centre on the mountain side. I regretted sleeping in that morning, I regretted staying with Billy because we were both tired, I regretted not getting up when Vikk had woken me that morning.

Now he was sitting in a chair in immense pain, the only painkillers they could give him were weak ones because he would need surgery and he couldn't eat or drink either. He was a little groggy and could barely move his body.

I let him squeeze my hand on the drive down the mountain to the hospital, Elliot sitting on the other side of him and Billy in the front seat. He was still in a lot of pain but managed to vlog just a little bit before it got too much and he had to stop.

I stayed with him the whole time, Billy and Elliot stayed most of the time too before heading back up to the chalet for the night. After going out to get some food, as the hospital food wasn't the greatest, I stayed beside Vikk in a shitty plastic chair.

He was still in a lot of pain despite the pain medication and was trying to sleep while sitting up, leaning against the wall, because lying down was far too painful. He drifted in and out of sleep, his eyes sliding open and closed.

I fell asleep in a very uncomfortable position on the chair, but I did fall asleep.

I drifted off worrying for Vikk, sore and tired, and my stomach grumbling.


I awoke in the middle of the night to low moans of pain from Vikk. He was still sitting up and his eyes were half lidded, the arm connected to the broken collarbone, his right hand, was limp on the bed. He was clearly in a lot of pain and I stood up, taking his left hand.

"Vikk?" I whispered. "Are you okay?"

His eyes opened a little and he looked at me, still very clearly in pain, but he gave me a strained smile.

"I'm fine Lachy." He mumbled. "Just sore."

"Do you want me to get a nurse? They could give you some more pain medication." He looked like he was going to object but eventually he nodded, rolling his head back a little as another bolt of pain shot through him.

I pressed a button on the side of his bed and waited, letting him squeeze my hand tightly when he was in pain. He looked like he was half asleep but he probably hadn't slept at all, and he confirmed it when I asked him.

"Have you slept at all Vikk?" He shook his head.

"Too much pain." He whispered, looking up at me. "I couldn't."

"Alright, once the nurse gets here you'll be able to sleep." Only a few seconds later a young man stepped around the door.

"Hello, you called?" He had a thick French accent but I could understand him quite well.

"Yeah, he can't sleep and he's in a lot of pain." The nurse nodded and dug around in a little cupboard for a small bag of clear liquid that I knew was painkiller. He hooked it up to an stand and pressed a tube into the needle that was still in Vikk's arm.

"That should help, it should help him sleep but he'll need to lie down, do you reckon you could do that?" Vikk shook his head but he was already relaxed, the pain medication taking hold in only a few seconds. "Okay, can you help me?"

He directed the last part at me and I nodded, watching as he directed me to help Vikk to lie down. He was on the side with the broken collarbone so I wasn't worried about hurting Vikk and with one quick movement we moved him so he was lying down, his arm resting on his stomach and his chin resting on his chest.

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