Chapter 4

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They didn't know what to expect when they ran into a process of what seemed like a satanic ritual of selling one's soul. Just kidding. That's not what happened. They saw a huge, a huge power sphere injecting some sort of power into Ochobot. Reverse knew this, because he could sense the power flow. He could tell that this large power sphere was transferring something to Ochobot.

Fang pressed his back against the wall. "What are we going against?"

Reverse turned to him. "It's some sort of energy transfer. If I'm not wrong, that's the power sphere that Bora-ra's using Ochobot to find. They must be after the power he has."

Fang contemplated this. "But if Ochobot has it, won't Bora-ra come after him?"

"Ah, it's a never-ending cycle," Reverse groaned. "I'm not spending my time protecting some power sphere. They're not even my forte."

The energy flow started to weaken, attracting Reverse's attention effectively. As he and Fang peeked through the corner, the yellow beam had completely shut off, leading to Ochobot collapsing to the stone-cold floor.

Reverse's body acted before his mind did. It was a bad habit, especially in his occupation, but it's simply instinct. He caught Ochobot in his hands before he hit the ground.

Fang followed his boyfriend's steps, taking a good look at the larger power sphere.

Reverse rose, still holding Ochobot with one hand. "Teleportation? Bora-ra's after the power of teleportation?"

The larger power sphere leered eerily close to them. Fang leaned back slightly to avoid his face coming in contact with metal.

"Who are you?" the power sphere demanded in a raspy voice. "No one has been able to trace us!"

Ochobot's scanners slowly came online. He floated off Reverse's hand and blinked at them. "What are... you guys doing here?"

Fang scoffed and crossed his arms. "We wouldn't be here if your team was knocked into next week."

"Leave," the large power sphere emphasised. "This is between us power spheres!"

"It's fine." Ochobot flew before the power sphere. "They're on our side. Their names are Boboiboy and Shade. Boboiboy, Shade, this is Klamkabot. I see you're already notified of the teleportation power. How?"

Reverse shrugged. "Bora-ra's still after you. He doesn't know you transferred your power to Ochobot. Don't forget me and Fang don't have powers like your team. We can't win against Bora-ra when push comes to shove."

Fang nodded. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but... uh... you two need to get back to TAPOPS."

The two power spheres stared at them. Klamkabot advanced towards Reverse, pointing an accusing claw at him. "How did you know it was teleportation?"

"We did our fucking research, thank you," Reverse quipped, turning around. "There's no time. We'd like to return to space, thank you, considering we're not humans—"

A rumble among the walls. The entire cave started to tremble, causing unstable debris to collapse off the ceiling. As the noise gradually grew louder, Fang grabbed Reverse's arm and broke out into a run.

"Go!" Reverse yelled.

Too late. An explosion erupted inside the walls, revealing to be none other than the red alien and his hideous crony himself. Both Ochobot and Reverse wasted no time in catching up with the two boys. As more missiles began to fire in their direction, they dodged falling crystals that threatened to take their lives.

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