Chapter Sixty "Sons, Daughters and Puppies"

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            I had expected the apology and possibly a small gesture, but this was more than I anticipated.  I felt stifled as my heart beat hard against my chest and words failed to come to me.  I did not take my eyes away from Isaac until I felt something against my leg, it was Alice come to investigate the newcomer.  I set my puppy on the floor so they could meet, "It looks like they're fond of each other already," I cooed, "like the know each other almost."

            "They do, in a way," Isaac whispered, gently letting his hand run down my arm.

            "How?" Leah and I both said in unison.

            "So much for secrets," Lord Edgehill laughed as he stood up and brushed Alice's hairs from his trousers.  My eyes looked up at him quizzically and he let out a deep sigh, "Where do you think he found such a spaniel so quickly?"

            "Seamus?" I whispered as I turned back to Thomas, "Did you go to Seamus?"

            "I heard they were the finest spaniels in the area," he fought a smile, "and he had one ready for you.  All I did was bring him home."  I sat there in awe of him for a moment, staring in the blue seas of his eyes.  "You don't mind, do you?"

            I felt tears welling even as my smile spread, making my cheeks tight, "I love you," escaped but I quickly followed it, "Him, I love him!  He's perfect."  I leaned down to scoop my pup up again, his little tail wagging excitedly.  "You are perfect, aren't you?" I cooed at the spaniel, yet my eyes met Isaac's.  I hoped he understood, everything I was exuding to my new pet was really meant for him.

            "Let's take the puppies to the park!" Leah cheered as she reached for Alice's leash, "I'll find a rope for . . . what's his name?"

            "Oh, I don't know," I said turning the pup so I could look into his face, "what is your name?
            "That is up to you, darling," Isaac said leaning into me and letting his head rest against mine.  He was distracting me terribly, "What shall we call him?" I had to pry my eyes away from him before turning back to the puppy.

            "Jasper?" I offered, turning him towards Isaac, "I think he looks like a Jasper."

            He moved his head back to look at me better, his smile was easy as he laughed, "Jasper it is."  Isaac stood and straightened his jacket before he extended his hand to me, "Come now, let's take the children to the park." 

            My eyes grew wide and I froze for a moment, even before my hand was in his, "Children?" I squeaked.

            "Yes," he laughed, "Leah and the puppies . . . of what children were you thinking?"

            "None," I shook my head as he helped me to my feet, "I just . . . "

            "Here we are," Leah sang as she tied a string around Jasper's collar, "all ready!"  She took both leads and headed excitedly to the door, "Follow me," she called to us as they headed outside.

            "We better hurry or we'll lose them," he teased leading me out to the hallway, stopping at the mirror for my bonnet.

            "We have done well, haven't we, Gideon?" Lady Edgehill's voice travelled to my ears causing me to stop and look back.  Part of me wanted to scream at her, but my thoughts were interrupted by the swift movement of Isaac's hand turning me to face him as he tied my bonnet under my chin. 

            "I think the mention of children scared you a bit," he murmured, "don't you want any?"

            "Of course I do," I blushed, "I just never thought about it."  I paused for a moment, "Do you?"

            "Dozens," he whispered brushing his lips over mine, "sons, daughters, puppies," he laughed.  "Jasper is but our first."

            "Stop kissing her and help me with the puppies!" Leah squealed into the doorway amidst lots of barking.

            I started laughing immediately and closed my eyes trying to regain my composure.  I felt Isaac's forehead against mine, "But none like Leah . . . okay?"

            "What?" I scoffed, "I adore your sister," I laughed again, looping my arm through his as we set off to the park, "you are the troublemaker," I kidded as I began to close the door.

            "Wait!" Lady Edgehill came running, catching us just as we left the house, "Be back in time for tea."  She was practically beaming from ear to ear, a sense of self satisfaction about her.  If I wasn't as content as I was, I would have . . . well, I don't know really, but I was not happy with her.  Perhaps one day I would tell her.

* * * * *

            The park was simply wonderful.  We toured one of the trails, following Leah who ran ahead with Alice and Jasper.  Neither Isaac nor myself said much, I was very much content just walking with him.  Several of the older couples there nodded to us as we passed, we smiled and nodded in return.  I wondered why they did that.

            By the time we came to the end of the path, Jasper was tired and laying in the grass.  Alice still running around him and barking.  "Oh, he's plum tuckered out," I cooed picking up my sleepy pup, "I think we should head back." 

            Isaac looked at his watch, "Ah, yes, we'll be back in time for tea as well."

            "Is everything okay now?" Leah asked untying the rope from Jasper's collar since I was going to carry him back.  Her innocent eyes looked up at me, "I mean between you two."

            Isaac stopped and looked at me, suddenly unsure of the answer, he fidgeted with his pocket watch, "That's a very good question."

            "Yes," I smiled warmly, letting my hand gently pat Leah's cheek, "everything is okay now."  She breathed out and smiled again.  "I have no qualms, do you, Isaac?"

            "Sssh," he shushed, rushing beside me, "remember to call me Thomas," he looked around trying to see if anyone noticed.

            "I don't want to call you that," I protested, bringing his attention back to me.

            "Just for now," he soothed, a sense of pleading in his eyes, as his finger traced along my chin.  "There's nothing else you can call me."


            He was startled, or it seemed so to me, a look of surprise overtook him.  "Yes, I am yours . . . just as you are mine."

            "And Jasper is ours," I finished.

            "Are you two going to be like this from now on?" Leah asked as she began walking back towards the house.  "I'm happy about it, I am, but . . . "

            "Watch what you say, Leah, because I will be meeting the man you intend to marry one day."  I could barely keep from giggling as she turned back towards him, narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out.  "That's what I thought."

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