Day 20: Their Secret

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December 20th

Uraraka's eyes were trained on the ceiling. She fell asleep for about four hours, but it wasn't steady. She kept waking up, resulting in a bout of tossing and turning until sleep finally pounced on her.

The sun shone through her windows, but a curtain blocked its rays from entering. The pink sunlight that was emitted from her red curtains spattered onto the floor.

She needed to stop being selfish. She should at least do something productive. Maybe she should go visit Deku, or help a classmate find a Secret Santa gift. Asui might need help. Uraraka's Secret Santa was Aoyama, and that was a piece of cake. He would've liked anything as long as it was shiny or sparkly. She had gotten him a silver glittery scarf she found, and it just screamed Aoyama to her.

However, when thinking of all the ways she could help her friends, her muscles didn't move at all. Her heart felt like a dead weight, and it was restraining the rest of her body to actually get up because it was so heavy.

Why should she get up, if Bakugou would just hurt her even more? She didn't think she could handle any more damage at the moment.

She wasn't feeling sorry for herself, but extremely disappointed. Compared to last night, she was feeling a little better, but only because she had released all of her anger.

A few notes sat at the bottom of her door. The other girls must've slipped them in while she wasn't paying attention. It was tempting, but Uraraka still didn't feel like leaving her bed.

Time to get back to scolding herself. She closed her eyes, curling into a tight ball underneath her blankets. Only her nose peeped out so that she could get air.

It took four minutes, but the doorknob rattled and jiggled. Uraraka ignored this, just as she had the night before. She still wanted to be alone.

To her horror, the door finally swung open. Uraraka wished that she was Hagakure at this moment. She wanted to be invisible. She retracted her nose into the covers, and stayed as still as possible.

"Uraraka? I know you're there." A deep voice growled.


She heard the door shut, and a squeak as an added weight applied itself to the foot of the bed.

"I'm not going to force you to get out of the blanket, but we need to talk." Her heart melted at how gentle Bakugou's voice sounded.

Anxiety simmered at the bottom of her stomach. This was the very last person she wanted to see. Here he was, just pulling her heartstrings like a broken cassette tape.

"I know why you're hurt. It's more than what happened with Mineta." Bakugou's voice was still soft, like trying to coax a bunny to come closer. "Still, what you did was pretty badass. Mineta reported you to the teachers, but they considered it self-defense on your end. You're not in trouble."

Uraraka felt some of her burden lift from her heart. She peeked up from her covers, seeing Bakugou's red eyes right on her. "Really?" she asked, her voice a bit husky from its temporary deactivation.

Bakugou nodded. "Really."

Uraraka sighed. "That's good to know."

"Yeah. But like I said, this isn't what I wanted to talk to you about." Bakugou crossed his legs, looking back over at Uraraka. "I.. I heard what you told Deku awhile back, okay?"

Uraraka felt her heart almost burst out of her ribcage, and shock ran up her wrists and chest. Before she could panic even further, Bakugou placed a hand on her shoulder. It wasn't violent, but calm. He wasn't going to get mad and use his explosions. It was quite a contrast from the way he had treated her at the Sports Festival. Maybe he was sorry. You never knew with Bakugou.

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