Chapter 23

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It's been ten whole days. Ten whole days with zero contact with Dominic. So how do I feel by getting the way I wanted? Ecstatic? Happy? Jolly? Overjoyed? Euphoric? Wrong.

I feel like absolute shit.

I didn't know that my sleeping could even get any worse. I cut off all contact with everyone in my life except Luke and Evan but I don't even talk much to those two anyway. Mom has been worried sick but I just convinced her that I was down with some bad cold. Like she believed that.

Ammonal, Enez and Yozu have been bombarding me with messages but they gave up after five days. I told them sorry but that was pretty much it. With Dominic? I haven't written a single word to him. While he has been sending me like five messages each day.

How's the guilt? It feels like it's eating me alive, so not very good. What isn't good either is the fact that I've been smoking at least three cigarettes each day which is bad considering I haven't smoked nearly at all for years.

My eyes have sunk so far into my head that I look like a skeleton and my cheekbones look like someone took a knife and carved them. I feel sick to my stomach almost every day and I'm honestly not sure why the hell I'm such a mess anymore.

Sure, I stopped chatting and calling Dominic because he ended up being a rude person, but it's not like Scouter died or Mom got seriously ill so why am I having such a huge reaction? It's insane!

How can one guy that I met just a while ago have such a huge impact on my life? It doesn't make any sense, at all. This is some serious Twilight shit and I hate it.

Dominic is way sexier than Edward-

"Steven! Are you good to go today?" I didn't even have the energy to react on the nickname or middle name.

I have to get my shit together and face Dominic today. Clearly I can't go on like this.


"Hey... How're you?"

"I'm just going to act like you didn't just ask that and instead you said a funny joke. Ha - Ha - Ha."

"I'm serious." Evan stopped in front of me while adjusting his backpack strap. He really looked serious.

"Are you going to keep being in contact with him and be happy or are you going to shut him out forever just because of one simple action he did in the past?" I scoffed at my best friend and began walking past him.

"He isn't the source of my happiness. I can be happy without him."

"Sure doesn't look like it. You look like you just jumped out of the walking dead." He jogged up beside me as he caught up to me. I pursed my lips inwards. He does have a point. I would make a hella good zombie.

"Shut up, and I am going to talk to him today but not because of you. I decided this morning. I think I'm going to... I don't know, give it a shot?"

"Great. Because he's standing right there. Good luck."

"Wait- what?" Before I could comprehend what was going on, Evan had jumped behind me and pushed me enough to make me fly a few metres. That little-

I went face first into someone. Someone tall. Oh, shit. I rubbed my nose while raising my head to look at Dominic. What a shocker. How more cliché can my life get?

"H-hi?" I said nervously. I have thought about everything that happened in that café over and over again and I concluded that I acted like a little brat. Not new but you know, and I'm a huge wuss so I couldn't man up and apologise and admit that I actually really want to keep talking because I am walking proof of how much Dominic affects my life nowadays.

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