The Vow- Part 26

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*Mia's P.O.V*

It was midnight and everyone was asleep. After mine and Charlie's argument, nothing got sorted out and Charlie ended up falling asleep. Unfortunately, I didn't. I was so upset and never in my life have I ever felt so unwanted. Tears were streaming down my face as I packed all my stuff, shoving it as fast as I possibly could in my suitcase. After ten minutes, I was ready to get going but I walked over to Charlie for a moment. A tear escalated down my cheek and I whispered, 'I really thought you'd like me. I thought you'd give me a chance but I guess I was wrong.' I left the house...


*Charlie's P.O.V* I woke up and rolled on the bed until I realised that Mia wasn't there. 'Mia?!' I sat up and shouted, thinking she was in the bathroom or something. When I got out of the bed, there was a sticky note stuck on my bed side table, it read, 'Thanks for everything. Mia x' I can't believe it- she really is gone. I had something to drink last night and I guess that's why I was so snappy. I didn't mean anything I said. There was a sudden knock on the door- it was Bella. 'Do you want to have a picnic with Johnny and I?' I turned to face her and snapped, 'No! You have a husband- go with Nathan!' 

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