Chapter Six: Make a Deal

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"Cipher!" Ford yelled. I whirled around to see Ford aiming his gun at Bill, then I looked back at Bill to see he was unamused.
"G-Great Uncle Ford? Grunkle Stan? Mabel? What are you guys doing here..?" I backed up.
"You really thought we were just going to let you go Dipper? We were all concerned about your involvement with Bill. Now I understand it." Ford looked at me grimly.

I reached out to Ford just before the blue chains from my dream wrapped around me. The only difference was that there weren't shackles around my wrists or ankles. But when my eyes followed the single chain, I saw that Bill was holding onto the end.

"B-but Grunkle Ford! Bill and I aren't-" Bill tugged on the chain, pulling me closer to him. "Come on, Pinetree~ Lying to him would only make him angry, and we wouldn't want to see that, would we?~"

Bill exposed me AND made fun of Ford.

Ford was pissed.
But still, he didn't fire his gun.
It felt similar to when Ford spared me yesterday, even felt like the same place, too.

Ford sighed, putting his gun down. "What about we make a deal, Cipher?"

Bill tugged on the chains once more, and they became tighter. "I'm listening."
"Give Dipper up, and I'll.." Ford looked around, thinking. "I'll give you the journals.." Bill raised an eyebrow, though, he didn't really look like he was thinking. "Grunkle Ford, you can't-" I started

"I have to, Dipper. It doesn't matter what your involvement with Bill is. Nobody deserves to go through the unimaginable torture he would inevitably put you through."

"Alright, Sixer. If I give you Dipper.. you'll give me the journals. Deal?"

"Deal." Ford sighed. Bill put out his hand for him to shake.
I panicked, screaming out just before Ford took it. "Wait! What if.." Bill smirked, looking at me. Ford, Stan, and Mabel looked at me as if they already knew what I was going to say.
"What if we made a deal..? If I go with you.. then you leave my family alone. Got it?" Bill looked at me. I could tell he definitely wasn't thinking about it. But still, it was a few moments of silence before he said "Alright, Pinetree~"
Bill put his hand out to me, which was engulfed in flames. He loosened the chains so I could shake his hand, so I did.

"Dipper, No!" Mabel screamed.

"Im sorry, Mabel. I have to do this."

"But Dipper you don't understand! I-" I cut Ford off, shaking Bill's hand. The minute I did, the chains tightened again, and Bill laughed before looking me in the eyes with a devilish grin on his face.

"You're mine, Pinetree~"

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I thought about it for days and I just couldn't come up with any good ideas. I'm still gonna post this though since I really should update . w.
P.S: why are people reading this om-)

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