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The story is usually switched back and forth between first person perspective and third person perspective. It is mainly FPP though.

London, April 1875
Eleanora was thrown back against the hard wall. She growled impatiently.

"Just die already," She muttered, pulling out her second seraph blade.

She whispered an angel's name as the demon scuttled forward. Eleanora brandished the seraph blade and pushed off from the wall, lunging at the demon, seraph blade raised.

Before she could slice the demon to half, though, a dagger impaled it. Eleanora's eyes widened as she dropped to the ground. She rolled once and looked up, on one knee.

"Who are you?"

The person who spoke stared down at her.

Eleanora's eyes narrowed. She took in the boy, who looked about fourteen—her age. He was so pale that the black marks of a Shadowhunter—runes—stood out visibly on his skin, and his eyes, though at night, sparkled. They were a unique dark silver colour. His hair matched the dark silver of his eyes.

"Shadowhunter," Eleanora said, eyeing the boy. "I am one of you."

"You are not part of the Enclave. I have never seen you before. State your name," The boy said.

"Eleanora," She said. "Eleanora Nightstorm."

The boy narrowed his eyes at her as she stood up, brushing the dirt off her gear.

"I am not part of the Enclave," She said, looking at the boy defiantly. "My family had left Idris. I was taught by my Mother and Father of how to fight. Stupid demon came after me. I do not mean any threat to you and your kind." Her Mother had drilled it in her head what to say if she ever encountered another Shadowhunter.

Even so, Eleanora was always told to steer clear of them. Remain unknown. But this boy seemed so harmless.

"I see," The boy said slowly. "My name is James Carstairs. Call me Jem. Everyone does."

"Please don't tell anyone of me," Eleanora said anxiously. "My mum... she would be in danger of the Enclave."

Jem considered for a moment. "Fine."

The girl's eyes lit up. "You would do that for me?"

Jem smiled warmly. "On one condition. I will see you every week to make sure you are fine. Maybe you can be my Friend."

The girl smiled wistfully at the thought. She very much wanted a Friend. She was the only child in the house. And she liked this boy. He was very friendly.


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