Arc 3.2

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He had been patrolling the woods like always, for any traps set up by the humans.

He slightly commended those few who had the guts to enter werewolf territory and lay traps here though they're mostly clustered near the border.

He had to sigh in annoyance for their persistence in this matter. It was getting tiring to identify then disarm the hundreds of traps laid out around the forest. As werewolves, they were faster and bigger, but the humans with their advanced technology equaled them out.

This endless war wasn't something he agreed with. As the sole figure at the top he had to do something to stop this. The pack was losing capable fighters and children were being orphaned at a fast pace. He needed to think of a plan, he wasn't willing to stay a conservative, he wanted his pack to progress towards a better future. And as the pack leader, the alpha, he had the strength and authority to do so. But something like a two generation long feud isn't going to stop itself so easily.

He stopped, his ears pricked up as he listened, a long howl from afar carried a message of distress.

He immediately sprinted off towards the call, his powerful limbs carrying him faster than than a horse. The wind brushing back his dark chocolate brown fur shimmering under the rays of the sun.

He soon found himself at a small clearing near the borders where a few wolves have already gathered. Among them he can recognize his beta, second-in-command.

He was about to ask what happened when suddenly a group of wolves ambushed him from all around him.


He growled out loud, not even crying out at the pain from his hind leg as a large bear trap snapped closed on his leg with bone breaking force. He did break some bones and blood began to spill. He suddenly felt his strength quickly leaving him, a numbing sensation flowing into his body, intensifying the pain. There was something laced in the metal of the trap.

He growled lowly in disgust, "What is the meaning of this?"

His voice was deep, eerily calm and full of authority that made some of the weaker wolves tremble and forced to lower their heads in submission though they tried to fight it.

His beta looked down on him with a smirk on his face.

"You won't be able to do anything dear Alpha, that trap is laced with wolfsbane and soon you'll die without an antidote."

Wolves can't get near wolfsbane and the traps were made by humans. The alpha immediately thought out the facts together, "You're colluding with humans? What for?"

The beta laughed as if the answer was obvious, "For power of course. Under my lead, the pack will reach further heights. We'll wipe out the humans once and for all and soon the north territory will also belong to the werewolves."

The alpha only silently looked at him, no outbursts of anger or screams of betrayal.

He only asked, "Who are you working with?"

He reasonably inferred that this traitor of a beta must have worked with someone of high position in that old woman's organization. This is a major problem.

The beta replied with a grin, "Victor Bastian. I get what I want, and he gets what he wants."

The alpha almost wanted to laugh, him and the old woman were both betrayed by their most trusted second-in-commands. Though he could only guess on what that Victor wants.

The beta began to take his leave, "This is our last goodbye, I would kill you myself but I want you to die slowly and painfully."

And with that, he and the others ran away, leaving the heavily wounded alpha wolf alone.

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