Chtr 14: The story of my life

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I didn't want to go home. Niall left in 9 days, and plus who wants to go home when your ex is dating your mom? I didn't even have to ask Niall. "Your staying here tonight, you know that right?", he said. I nodded,"of course". After the whole joke and all the making out we all went our separate ways into the bedrooms. "so all the boys decided we would all go out for breakfast", Niall said. "oh really what if I don't want to because I'm cool and I can do that" i said, i tried to keep a straight face but failed. We both busted out laughing, "if you were like that I wouldn't like you I like you because of your amazing personality", he said kissing my head. I smiled, "thanks same for you". "want to watch something?" Niall asked me. "yes", I said being unsure of myself. He grabbed his laptop and went on YouTube. He pulled up of his interview from the other day. "watch this", he said grabbing me closer to him. "Welcome to 94.9 BBC Radio!", a peppy but old lady said. I looked at Niall, "keep watching", he said pointing to the laptop. "we have a surprise for all you teenagers and even some adults, we have One Direction with us!", she yelled they all waved and as usual everyone screamed. "welcome boys so hows it been?", she asked. Zayn was first to speak, "it's been really good, different but good", he said She smiled, "yes it must be breath taking about how much your life has changed" she said looking at Louis. "yes it's really great it's a good change we all love being friends and couldn't asked for more" Louis said. "ok so I have a queston that most fans knew but they wanted to hear it from you, whos got a girlfriend?", she said. I could tell this is the question he wanted me to hear. "wow so your all taken, lets start with Harry whos your lucky lady?", she said. "I am dating Christina, she is the best girl in the world i love her shes amazing and out going just how I like them" he said. "wow most girls are envying her, but I bet there really supportive", she said. He nodded, "yes there great with all the girls" Harry said. "ok Louis shall we who's your girl"? She said. " I'm dating Eleanor Calder as everyone knows, she's really great we've been together for a long time and I really do love her", Louis said. All the girls in the crowd were in aw. "thats great she seems lovely", the interviewer said. She pointed to Zayn, "you Zayn how is Perrie doing?", she asked. "shes great as always, just like when you met her I really do hope I spend most of my life with her", he said. "yes she is lovely as well I interviewed Little Mix and they all were just wonderful and Perrie is gorgeous as well", she said. "thank you", Zayn said. Liam butted in, " I'm dating Danielle Peazer", he said. "oh! you are the dancer, I interviewed her sahe is amazing at what she does", that strange lady said. "ya she really is and shes amazing and lovely and just all around wonderful", he said smiling. "Niall your last but not least, who are you dating no one really knows about this one", she said. I kind of felt intimadated, and Niall could tell because he looked at me anf gave me a hug. He paused it, "don't worry watch this part" he siad. He clicked play and he began to talk. "well i'm dating this amazing girl and her name is Vanessa Patterson", he said. "go on". "well I really really like her and I think I'm starting to fall in love with her, she's amazing gorgeous and we just get laong really well she's my best friend", he said. I blushed, I'm pretty sure I was bright beet red. Niall paused the video, "it's true, I honestly love you", he said. He was going to continue on mrambling on but I knew he wasn't lying. So, I went in for it. I gave NIall the biggest kiss, and I really enjoyed it. "what was that?", he asked. I put my finger on his lip and shh'd him. "i love you", I whispered.

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"wake up, Vanessa wake up!", It was Eleanor.  She was on top of me jumping trying to wake me. "i'm up I'm up!', I yelled. "what's wrong"? I asked. Where was Niall. "Everyone is getting ready for breakfeast, remeber we are all going out", she screamed in my ear. I totally forgot I shot right up out of the bed and went to the bathroom. There were a pile of clothes my mom must of dropped off so, I looked through there. I ended up taking a shower doing light mkeup, then chosing this really cute oufit. It was a white lace shirt, with a white tank top underneath and a pair of pink jean shorts. I curled my hair with Eleanors curler then walked out. Everyone was ready, "let's go"!, Louis shouted.

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