~ Out of the pan, into the fire ~

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Hello all! So sorry for being absent for a while. I have been on holidays and working on this during my spare time. I ran into a problem with parts and I should be finishing this year off with a bang. Be excited people!

Anyway, I hope you all had a magical Christmas and I can't wait for 2019... Even though I feel like this year is going to trample me... 

Enjoy the rest of 2018 and this update. I'll continue to work the next parts out before 2019!

Cheerio! <3


As the door began to pound louder and louder, everyone's reactions began to leak in; the whole room was chaos. People were either readying themselves or shrinking into the safety of numbers. Lizbeth, Pidge and Nova began to prepare while the other three waited with their Paladins.

"Looks like two guys are holding Coran hostage. Nova spotted them coming in. They arrived around the same time Lance and Shiro came in."

Iris folded her arms in thought. "Did they come in before or after we walked in?"

"They came in after you guys arrived," Nova answered. She glanced once more at the monitor before walking to Liz's side. "In fact, they booked the room adjacent to ours, they knew we were coming."

The group had slowly circled a small space. Everyone looked at each other with looks of suspense or worry. There was a hostage with two hostiles and only one escape route.

"We could take the roof," Nova suggested.

"No!" Liz snapped. "Nova. Izel, Eliza and Iris can't scale walls like you and I can."

"Excuse me?" Izel scoffed.

"Well." Liz frowned, fidgeting her hands in a so-so manner. "You did fall down off the stairs inside your own home and forgot about Lance so... Maybe?"

"H-How did you-"

"Guys incoming!"

The windows of the Karaoke room shattered as two figures crashed inside. Glass sprayed ruthlessly across the floor as everyone shielded themselves in panic. The pair rolled across the splintered field and stood up to face the terrified group.

"Antok." Keith stepped through the broken circle and approached the tallest of the figures.

"Keith." Antok stalked across the glass field, coming face to face with Keith. "Your group has not made any advances out of the building."

"They're not like the Blades," Keith argued, "Some of them don't even know how to fight."

"How many are inept?" Antok asked.

"Inept?!" Iris scoffed.

"Three, but she can scale some buildings with ease." Keith pointed at Izel, who was more than happy to lifted her chin just a little higher in pride. "W-what are you doing here? How-why did you come here?"

Antok strode towards the door, unsheathing his blade. Regris followed behind and positioned himself opposite to Antok. "Regris and I will escort them. Keith, lead the rest of the group out. I shall meet you in the closest location."

"B-but that brings us closer to G-tech. Antok!"

Antok chuckled under his mask. "All the more reason to hide there while the storm passes."

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