Chapter 1

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Levi POV

"Levi could you stay after class and help me take this to the library." as I got up I heard the teacher call my name. I smile and nod and wait til everyone leaves the room. We collected all the papers and books and head towards the library.

"Thanks Levi, if I was to ask those other brats they would of made an excuse or ask for a boost in the grades." my teacher said. "No problem, I not in a rush plus I have nothing to do anyway. Besides I love helping people." We turned the corner and the library was right is front of us. We went in and I put the stuff down then excuse myself. I then walk out the school to walk home. I would ride with my cousin Mikasa, but she left already to hang with her girlfriend and I left my car at home.

Now the back story of why I'm so nice (cause we all know Levi ain't no kiss ass bitch. Excuse my language).The reason I'm so nice is simply cuz my mom told me to before she died. She said that if you're nice to others and do good deeds then you'll get something in return. And it works sometimes. I could say anything and they'll believe me. That's how I lived my life, just listen and don't complain. Back since I was a kid I had no dad, but an uncle. So hanging round him cause me to develop anger issues and short temper. I fought and cursed anyone. But that's all in the past and no one remembers so I don't have to worry about killing some one to keep their mouth shut.

I just running on now. I'm a nice person, but under the mask I could probably slit your throat.

I continue to walk home. As I got there I saw two expensive cars in front of it. That could only mean one thing. I got to the door, took a deep breath and swung the door open.

"Uncle Kenny I'm home." I said as I placed a big fake smile on my face and walk into the living room to find him and four others. I then proceeded to the normal routine. I said hello and ask if anyone want something drink. We then talk and everyone would ask what I plan to do in the future and brag about their son and I'll just nod.

Everyone left and it was just me and my uncle. Mikasa won't be coming back because it is a Friday. Kenny ask me to help him with some work so I said sure and ask to got change first. I came back and help him organize documents. After I was done I went upstairs to my room and plopped on the bed. I grab my phone and called one of my friends.

"Yo Eyebrows get your ass over here I'm bored."I said.

"An hello would be nice, but I was coming anyway. Hanji is also tagging along if you don't mine"

"I don't care just get here quickly." I said then hung up the phone. Not long after I heard a knock at the door. Erwin walked in and shut the door behind. " I thought you said Hanji was coming too." I asked. He just looked at the window and pointed. When I turn around I saw a hand waving. I opened it and she throw herself in. "Why can't you be normal and walk in through the door".

"I don't know. This seems like fun but it wasn't." She then sat on my bed. "Hey lets go out tonight. I heard Mike is having a party and everyone is invited." Erwin said from my closet.

"I don't know, I gotta maintain my good boy image." Hanji and Erwin are the only ones that knows the true me. We been friends since the 1st grade.

"So what, good boys gotta have fun too. This act had made you a real stick in the mud." Hanji said joining Erwin in the closet. "What are you two doing. You better not be kissing in there."

"Levi we all know I'm gay and Hanji have no interest in human sexual relationships." "True that." They came out the closet with a pile of clothes.

"What are you guys doing." I asked. "Getting you ready for the party silly." Hanji said pulling me up. She then forcibly strip me. "B-but I never agreed. HANJI STOP IT" her and Erwin proceed to undress me and dress me like a Barbie doll.

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