Finland the Sexy Santa Claus

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Author-chan: Finny you have a dare this time!

Finland: Finally I get to have some screen time in this chapter! alright sweety what's the dare?

Author-chan: So the one who requested this is LibertyMapleWJones and he/she said that you have to wear a very Sexy Santa Claus costume and Sweden can do anything to you!

Finland: Oh Ok-Wait WHAT!?!?

Sweden:*Imagining Finland wearing the Santa costume and passes out due to a nosebleed*

Finland: S-Su-San!

Author-chan: I guess he pass out due to imagining you in that costume.

Finland: Author-chan do I still have to do the dare?

Author-chan: *looks at Finland* ^J^ Da you will still do the dare Finny!

Finland: *Scared* Y-Yes Author-chan!

Author-chan: Alright Finny let's get you change and Hungary can you help me with Finny's make-up?

Hungary: *shipping aura forming in the background* Of course Author-chan!

Author-chan: And Germany, Russia can you bring Sweden to his and Finny's room please?

Germany: Ja sure.

Russia: Da sunshine! *giggles*

Author-chan: Alright Finny-chan~ *Evil smile and holding the costume* Wear this so that you can make your husband happy!

Finland: NNNOOOOO~~!!!!!!


Sweden: Ok where's my wife!

Finland: *wearing the costume* (the one below) H-Hi S-Su-san! *embarrassed*

Sweden: *grabs Finland and kisses him* 'so cute!'

Finland: *shock but kisses back*

Author-chan, Hungary and Japan: *peeking at the window and having nosebleeds*

Hungary: I'm so happy for those two!

Japan: *taking and printing pictures*

Author-chan: Japan how are you able to take pictures and print them at the same time?!

Japan: Secret!

Author-chan: Anyway ask or dare guys!


Author-chan,Japan and Hungary looks at the window and died from all the yaoi they're eyes just saw

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