06: Blunders & Lightning

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Issa long one lol. Shoutout to JNOPEISMYHOPE  for my second set of first votes. ❤️ you are JDOPE.

I couldn't focus the whole meeting. Kay might as well have been the teacher from Charlie Brown because all I heard was "whannn whaaannn whan" like a Ying Yang Twins song. Although Christian did nothing but pay attention to the first half of the briefing in its entirety, he started to text me once Kay asked if there were any questions and I was a whole hot mess.

Fix your face.

It's your fault.

How was I supposed to know
you worked here?!


Really 😑

"Alright everyone, let's break for lunch and meet back here around 2." Kay had grabbed everyone's attention back with a slight tap of the table with his hands. Voices started to clamor as some decided on lunch plans and some still sat in their seats.

Christian immediately turned to me, his lips started to part to speak, but before he could even utter the first letter, "Hey, Ni'Kya..." We both turned our heads to Adam, who was hovering over me, "If you didn't have lunch plans, I thought we could go to-"

"Shoot ideas around over some food? Great idea, Adam." Christian had jumped up from his side of the table and walked around to ours. He briefly scrunched his nose and eyed Adam with a smug smile til he stood between the two of us. "The THREE of us totally should do that. BRILLIANT idea." Hands in their pockets, the two males, similar in height, sized each other up as my eyes darted between the two.

"Oh totally. That's exactly what I meant.... the three of us..." Adam kept eye contact with him, letting the tension slowly rise in the air as the two tried to read each other. I quickly popped from my seat, about 2 inches shorter than them, nearly tripping in my heels as I made an attempt to break them up.

"Aye! So, leggo. I am starving." I say with a slight laugh, trying to lessen the mood. They both snapped their heads in my direction, letting said tension briefly dissipate.

"Sure, I know this great-"

"What are you in the mood for K-Ni'Kya.." Christian immediately cut off Adam's preemptive suggestion and focused on me as he corrected himself from saying my nickname. He eyed me intently with those dark brown eyes, waiting for my response as he always does while Adam awkwardly closed his mouth. I raised my brows, as if I didn't hear him to which he responded, "What do you want..."

I pursed my lips fighting back the heat rising between my thighs from his stare, my thoughts simply slipped out, "You..." Oh shit, quickly trying to recover from my heated blunder, "Y-you choose. I'm not really sure what I want." I looked off to the side, fully embarrassed as he stifled his laugh, knowing what was really on my mind. Great.

"How about Italian?" He raised his brow and smirked.

"Yep. Sure, that's fine." I quickly responded as I darted out the door, he and Adam following right behind. I felt my phone buzz and my eyes widened at what was on the screen.

Seems like you'd want
dessert after...

I could feel him smirking behind me, causing the hairs to rise on the back of my neck. Just thinking about what we did well into Sunday morning was something I needed to go confess at the altar, for the church was definitely saying amen. Moses himself would need to part the sea that was forming. Wayment....Hol'up....

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