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yangdesert_fox started following you.

yangdesert_fox sent you a message.


yangdesert_fox : hey, followback lah titew.

hanikyeopta : ugh, sape kau? cane kau kenal aku?

yangdesert_fox : followback dulu, baru intro.

hanikyeopta : no, and never ugh!

hanikyeopta offline...


“si bebal ni aku benci, tp aku syg, susah la”

“kau kata kau takkan followback aku tp kenapa kau followback? kau suka aku ke?”

the story where si bebal mintk followback dgn si pendek yg ego tinggi & end up with having a special relationship

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the story where si bebal mintk followback dgn si pendek yg ego tinggi & end up with having a special relationship.


𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ❦︎ Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now