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Chapter 8: Il Giusto Prezzo

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It's rude to stare at people, but I couldn't help myself. She reminded me of someone, yet I couldn't quite remember. What a beauty she was. Looking at her and knowing where I was, the phrase 'a lamb among the wolves' fit her perfectly.

"Apples are special. They were used as a symbol of the fruit of knowledge, the one the serpent tempted Eve. And then there's Snow White." She straightened herself and looked away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I'm not ill-mannered, I'm just excited. It has been a long time since visitors came. I was lonely I had no one to play with." She extended her hands with the apple. "Try this, just one bite."

I mirrored her smile and accepted. Who could turn down a darling like her? The door slammed open and Zak barged in. He zeroed on the apple and threw it on the bin. "I told you to stay out of it!"

Without any trace of fear, she sat there and blinked up at Zak. "I just greeted our guest. The guys were talking about her and I was curious. I even gave her an apple."

"How about I feed it to you?"

Her gentle smile disappeared and was twisted into a pout. "Oh come on, Zakie! It's not like I'II kill her."

Zak squinted in disbelief.

"Okay fine, it's poisoned! Just a teenie, weenie injected a dose of TTX, enough to make her a little sick. Then you'll kiss her like the prince did to Snow White and she'll be fine. I got the antidote." He pulled out a small bottle from her pocket. "See?"


She clicked her tongue. "Geez, you're ruining my childhood dreams." With her side eye, she caught me with my mouth hanging open. "You're weak and gullible." My brows twitched and my hands itched. I was never the one who succumbed to violence, but the option was attractive for the moment. "I could've killed you if I want to." Her true face of a remorseless doll was unveiled.

I was so wrong to think she's different from the rest of them. Maybe she was more dangerous. This time, it wouldn't be an exaggeration if I consider myself to be the sheep among the wolves. 
"I'm sure you can," I spoke without second thoughts. Giving someone a poisoned apple as a welcome gift is wrong beyond words that it pissed me off.

"Too bad, we never kill our visitors. Daddy used to say it's rude. But if I see you outside my home, maybe I will."

She threw the peelings on the bin. Her fragile frame was upright and proud. "Nice meeting you, Hanna... don't die." Then she was out of the door.

I was speechless for a moment. Scary... but fascinating. "Who is she?" I asked after the door closed.

Zak was leaning on the wall, massaging his temple. "She's.... none of your business."

I expected that, but somehow the bubbling irritation has welled up higher from his higher. At least he should tell me the name of the person who tried to poison me.

"You're naive. Don't believe in everything, Hanna."

I fisted my palm. "So I shouldn't believe in you?"

"Especially me." He's right, but a part of me was against it. "You're too stupid to come here after I told you so."

So it's my fault now? If didn't come, how certain am I that I wouldn't be dragged here like before? "I have no choice."

"You have. But you chose to come. Why?"

I hate it when I'm being asked why. It makes me explain things and reasons out of my motives. I don't like expressing myself and I'm not good at it. I rose from my seat. "Well, I'm here to say that from now on, leave... please leave me alone." There, I said it and marched to the door.

"You can't."

My hand froze at the knob.

"You can't make me do it." Now hands on his pocket, he walked towards me. "You need me, Hanna. You need me more than I need you."

Our conversation has just gone from frustrating to ridiculous. I have no idea what he's talking about. 

"You'd die without me."

What does he want? He called me naive for coming, now he's saying I need him, contradicting himself.

"Nobody can protect you, but I can."

Then I snapped. "I can protect myself! There are... there are people willing to protect me. To die for me. You have no idea...you have no idea who I am!"

He's the only one who could make me feel angry, confused and helpless at the same time. How long has it been since I felt this anger? Probably, the first since I was called 'Hanna'.

Zak played with the loose tendrils of my hair. "Do you?" he taunted. "Do you know who you are? Where are the people that protected you? Are they here? Admit it, you need me. I have a lot of enemies. Whether you like it or not, you have been branded mine, and they will destroy whatever I own." He slowly cupped my face. "You're about to cry, are you? I'm telling the truth, am I? The people you longed for, they're gone. They abandoned you. If they care, you wouldn't be talking to me right now. You'd be safe and happy somewhere."

No, he's a liar. Uncle will come for me. I'm sure of it.

"Don't be sad, little Hanna, I'll protect you... for the right price."

I slapped him. I slapped him so hard and did not regret it. I have the right to as many times as I want to. How dare him. I have my uncle who sacrificed a lot for my safety.

For the right price, he said. How stupid. He's treated like a king, yet he is just a boy. A spoiled boy that gets whatever he wants. "I'm not for sale," I said with my head up high. "It's not a mystery why you have enemies. You deserve it."

I slammed the door behind him. On normal circumstances, I would've trembled in fear, but not for now.

Outside, the Fortunello paused their different games of card and billiards. Even the girl before looked up from her cup of milk.

"Hey, Mutie? You mad?" I didn't answer Bino and stomped my way out.

Zak doesn't own me. No one does. I can take care of myself. I've seen worse, I've felt worse. Nothing comes close to my encounter with death, not in the hands of his enemies.

Fortunately, my bike was already placed down along with my things. I rode it to the main gate. It opened with no question from the guards. Good. At least, he didn't stop me. He finally understood how I hate him so much right now.

I pedaled away from the mansion, gritted my teeth as the warmth climbed up my eyes. I pedaled faster so the wind can dry the tears before they fall.

I didn't get far. A black car overtook and swerved to block my path. I lost my balance. I crashed and hurt my knee. Two masked men came out of the car with big heavy steps towards my direction.

Run, I told to myself. But it was too late.


The Right Price

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