The Pack OT6- Tickles

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Preston's P.O.V.

We were all happy and giggly, a little too hopped up on sugar and far too excited to be back together as a group once again, after so long of being apart. Everyone was piled together in Mitch and Jerome's living room in Florida, curled around each other on couches or the beanbags on the floor.

Lachlan was especially giggly, he had been cramped up on a plane for 24 hours and then he had been given a bunch of sugary drinks and treats by some of the others, so he was hyperactive to say the least. He was curled up around Vikk, who was whispering little things into Lachlan's ear to calm him down.

For some reason he had a plush toy Pokémon in his hand and was hitting Vikk with it, giggling when Vikk tried to grab it and simply hitting him again. Eventually Vikk stood up and disappeared from the room, making Lachlan pout and instead he started throwing the plushie at Mitch, the next closest person.

Vikk appeared a few minutes later with a massive pile of plushies in his arms and he handed them around to everyone except for Lachlan, making him glare indignantly.

"You lose this one Lachy, we all get to tickle you for as long as we want." Lachlan pouted but eventually agreed, knowing that he was the one that started the plushie war.

"Fine but you need to give me some! I've only got one!" Vikk grinned and shook his head.

"You started it, you just don't have any ammo."

Lachlan then shrieked as we all started pelting plushies at him, ducking behind couches so we couldn't be hit back and although we were being a bit unfair, 5 against 1, I was enjoying pelting the younger boy with the toys. He shrieked again when I nailed him square in the face with a large teddy bear.

He fell back on his butt and scrambled around for some of the thrown toys, pelting one back at Mitch, whose head was poking above the couch and then one at Rob, who wasn't completely hidden. What he didn't notice, however, was Jerome sneaking around behind him.

We continued throwing the toys, a full on plushie war with toys flying everywhere, until Jerome was right behind Lachlan, his hands outstretched. Lachlan threw one more toy before Jerome launched at him, his fingers digging into his ribs.

Lachlan squealed and threw himself backwards, desperate to get away from Jerome but then Rob and Vikk both went forwards, tickling him as well. That was the cue for Mitch and I to go as well and we surrounded the youngest member of the Pack, all of us tickling.

He was squealing and squirming, kicking out and trying to fight his way out of the group. But he was laughing and giggling even so, squealing when I dug my fingers into his ribs and curling up on himself, his arms over his stomach.

"No!" He cried out, laughing. "St-stapppphhh!"

"Never!" We all cried, tickling him even more. After a few minutes he started shrieking even louder, this time actually fighting us to get away. He was red in the face and panting, kicking out as we kept tickling him.

Eventually Rob stepped in and got us to stop, recognising that Lachlan actually couldn't breathe and this time he was really fighting us. He started gasping for breath, rolling onto his side, red in the face and his chest heaving.

"You good Lachy?" He wheezed in reply, his hands over his stomach.

"You- guys- are- assholes." He panted, kicking Vikk in the knee when he tried to go back in again. "Dickhead." He gasped, rolling over and continuing to roll until he was completely hidden behind the couch and out of our reach.

We all looked around at each other. We were eyeing each other up, trying to pick a new target, but then Lachlan stood up and pretty much flopped on top of Vikk, squashing him. Vikk squealed.

"Lachlan! Get off me!"

"No." He groaned. "I'm now sore and it's your fault." Vikk giggled, his head popping out from underneath Lachlan's chest. He was definitely being squashed and it didn't look particularly comfortable, but neither of them seemed to mind.

"So a plushie war and a tickle fight..." Rob stated. "We are such children." I raised an eyebrow.

"And? It's not like anything has ever changed about that, ever." He shrugged.

"True. We're all children." Lachlan eyed us.

"Yeah and you're all dickheads."

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