Platform 9 3/4

910 17 3

Ginny POV

When we got back to the Borrow all I could think about was how cute Percy was.

I never really got over my breakup with Harry and now that theres a boy who looks exactly like him just stronger and taller I had to get my hands on him.

"What are you thinking about Ginny" Hermione asks.

"Oh nothing just about the exchange students" I lie. "Oh cool" she puts her book down "What do you think its like, you know being an exchange student."

"I don't know I guess cool going somewhere new". She doesn't even listen to me cause she goes off and says "Its kind of weird I never heard of Hogwarts having an exchange program, and there is no mention of it in 'Hogwarts a History'."

"Well maybe its something new their doing, you know since so many parents pulled their kids out after what happened with the war and all the students that died" I get sad remembering Lavender she was a good friend. 

"Hey its ok Ginny those people died to save us, if it weren't for their sacrifices we wouldn't be here discussing our future."Hermione says.

"Ya your right" I agree. "Anyway changing subject are you excited to go to school tomorrow."

"More than anything" she replies, "I was worried they wouldn't send a letter but now I'm really excited."

"Dinners ready everyone" I hear my mom yell. We all go down stairs to get something to eat.

By the time dinners over we all go back upstairs to bed.

*Time skip to the morning*

When I wake up I see Hermione is already down stairs. I quickly get dressed and head down stairs with my suit case.

By the time we all loud our stuff in it 9:30. The four of us gets in the car and my dad drives us to the train station. 

When we get there its 10:49 we say good bye and turn around to see the exchange students asking a train officer where platform 9 3/4 is.

Hazel POV

 When we went to bed it was 9 o'clock. I was sharing a room with Nico since he was my brother. I got up and grabbed my stuff changed into a regular shirt and some pants. Then I did the impossible task of waking my brother up.

When everyone is ready we all grab our things and shadow travel to the station.

Its about 10:30 when we get there. We look around trying to find the platform. After 10 minutes of looking we finally resort to asking a train officer. 

He just looks at us and starts laughing at us. I turn around and see the four people we met yesterday. 

They ran right into a wall. WhatI rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing clearly.

We walked over and it was 10:55 now. "Great where going to miss the train" Annabeth says. Percy leans against the wall of 10 and falls though. He comes back out excited.

"I found it follow me" he says and runs though the wall. We all follow and are shortly on platform 9 3/4.

We grab our things and quickly hop on the train.

We start walking around looking for an empty compartment. Annabeth sees our friends from yesterday.

After a few minutes she waves us in and we all sit down.

About 10 minutes in Frank asks "How long is the train ride."

Hermione answers "About 4 hours." We all groan. all we need is a bunch of ADHD demigods stuck in a compartment for 4 hours.

"This is going to be a long trip" I say.


Percy- Oh Oh can I do it can I can I

Shayla- sure go ahead

Percy- Shayla doesn't own anything but the plot and some new characters that will appearing the next chapter.

Percy- All rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K.Rowling

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