Chapter 10

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Hea insisted on wearing the same red dress she wore the night she met Jimin. Her sole purpose is to smite her silver haired boss who apparently gets annoyed at her wearing red. She strutted her way inside his mansion and to her pleasure, Jimin's face immediately turned to fury. He doesn't want Hea to wear the red dress because that alone is enough to stir his strong desires for her.

He clenched and unclenched his jaw at the sight of the woman who's supposedly wearing something white but chooses to oppose him. He never met such a girl with the same guts as her. Normally, women who encounters him crawls away from his stare but he knew she is different.

He met her midway and held her face in his hand roughly. His gaze piercing straight into her triumphant hazel eyes. Her scent immediately invaded his senses and he knew, if he won't let go of her fast, his facadé might crumble down.

"Why do you love to defy me Hea?" he seethed.

He knew he won't be focused all night at the sight of her cleavage and her long legs showing from her high slit. Her wavy hair reaching down her hips creating a glorious curtain to cover her hour glass shape.

Instead of faltering, she returned the same intense gaze to him which made his desire burn even more intense. A smirk immediately showed up in her perfect lips that are painted in stoplight red.

"I don't take orders from someone when it comes to my outfits," Hea answered, her voice daunting him.

He heard a click and something hard pressed against his side. Jimin knew it was her gun. He isn't afraid, he is amused. An unfamiliar smile took over his handsome features and lets go of her gorgeous and fierce face. He'll let this defying attitude of hers slip just this time.

"Touché" he commented and walked pass her to the door.

Hea followed him behind as she slips her gun in the holster strapped around her thigh. She covered it with her dress and ran her hand through her hair. She's completely oblivious of how strong she affects Jimin's carnal desires towards her. Hea's only attention is turned towards Taehyung who seems to be not interested in her.

They arrived at the ball they were attending. She absently twists her fake engagement ring in her left hand as she links her arm on Jimin's.

"Behave," Jimin warned Hea who seems to be distracted by something.

She just scoffed at him and pretended like she didn't hear a word.

Upon entering, everyone's attention is immediately drawned to them. She's only thankful that media isn't allowed in this gathering.

"I mean it Hea, I don't want anyone dying tonight," he whispered to her while he plasters a fake smile towards the fake people they meet.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes at him.

Jimin inhaled deeply, containing his desire to bend her over. Before he could even lose his control, he started a conversation with a business man he met from last time. Hea, as usual, excused herself and strutted to the main hall. Her eyes keeps shifting back and forth. She feels uneasy, it feels like someone's watching her. Her eyes flickered fast through the window and surely, a gunman with a sniper is watching her. She's sure of that.

"Oppa, someone's with us. Three o'clock," she said as she intentionally flips her hair to show her nearly bare shoulder to the man who's behind the gun. Hea knows what she's doing this time.

"Their target is Park Jimin's fiancé and that happens to be you," Jin said through the ear piece.

"I see," she smiled at the the waitress. "Can you hack their system? Let me talk to him," Hea started to show of her body effectively. Enough to distract the man.

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