| Chapter 6 || It's Like Seeing Quadruple |

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Hello, Readers! We're trying to bring this story back, as well! Sorry that it's a bit late this morning, but I just had to finish up some last minute things. It's really long, so I hope you like it!

We really hope this is coming back for good this time, and we'll be working together more often now to get these chapters to you.



| Chapter 6 |

| It's Like Seeing Quadruple |

Waking up after that felt like being reborn. Now, I don't remember what it was like being born in the first place, but I'm guessing that - from how sciency people explain what it's like - this was exactly it.

Everything was bright, like, too bright, and I squinted, crying out in a long groan to tell someone to turn it off. I felt cold, too, as if I'd been wrapped in a warm embrace, a blanket of comforting arms, only to have it ripped away from me by the hands of Boreus himself. But what I really couldn't stand was the noise. It was so loud, music and talking and the stomping of feet were everywhere; I couldn't stand it! It only made me groan louder, my own voice rising in my ears until it drowned out the world. I heard just a single note and it was from my own vocal cords. It was nice.

When I finally managed to open my eyes, and the world didn't seem too cold or loud, my senses were immediately filled with gold. Gold walls, gold trim, gold countertops, gold window frames. There was even a gold tint in the glass! That was the clue that told me I wasn't dead. Apollo's palace was the only palace that could be so flamboyant. Besides, this level of flashy gold clashed with Hades' curtains, so that was out of the question.

Next question: how was I not dead? My previous memories were slowly coming back, and if I wasn't mistaken, I should be dead. Right? I was stabbed, bleeding out everywhere. The world faded from me - it really felt like I was dying. Had I just passed out? But if so, why would Apollo save me? Perhaps I should have a talk with Hades sometime. Or, maybe even Thanatos, or the Fates, considering they would be more directly involved in my death.

I would've chuckled to myself if it didn't burn my insides, because I must've made someone up here happy, or perhaps just angry at some point. How else could anyone explain my crazy luck? Or... misfortune? Considering my dismal existence of never-ending pain. That's okay, though! I'm fine! Totally fine! I'd prefer life over standing in Hades' realm for millennia. Now that would be a dismal existence!

Looking up from my thoughts, I saw that Apollo must've walked into the room at some point, because he was standing at the end of my bed with a clipboard, just staring at me. Curiosity reigned his features, spoiling the brilliant smile he usually wore with a look of confusion.

"What?" I snapped. I forgot completely about being polite, because... well, I'm not really sure. It must've been some combination of my own jumbled brains and his impolite staring and maybe even a little bit of my annoyance at his over-the-top decorating. If he was offended, he certainly didn't show it.

"Well, it's just curious how you appeared just in time to stop a marching army," he said offhandedly.

"I'm not a spy is that's what you think," I growled out, hissing as pain overtook my right side. Gods! Why did it still hurt? I guess even Apollo had his limits as the god of healing.

He smiled down at me, all white teeth and dimples. I guess he's also the god of truth, so maybe he believed that I wasn't lying. That's good. I wouldn't know what to do if they continued thinking I was a spy or something. I almost laughed at the thought. Me working for the giants? Please! I scoffed.

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