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"You know I'm not a party person," Blaine mumbled as Jeff pulled him up to the house.

"Come on, it's Halloween. Loosen up," Jeff pleaded.

"You don't have to drink, or have fun. But maybe you'll meet your Draco Malfoy." Nick knocked into his shoulder.

Blaine sighed. At least he had a costume; they had luckily warned him it was a costume party so he threw together a quick Harry Potter costume. Really, all he had to do was not gel his hair, but he did more.

Jeff opened the door, the immediate sound of laughter and music hitting them. As well as the smell of alcohol.

They stepped inside, Jeff and Nick immediately getting swept away.

Blaine looked around nervously. He walked through the rooms until he got to the living room, hoping he could just sit down. However, it was packed.

The center of the commotion was a boy in a rather form-fitting and flattering knight costume, Solo cup in his hand. He was laughing away.

What drew Blaine's attention, though, was the boy beside him. He was gently perched on the arm of the chair the knight was on. He was wearing a cat costume, but not some cute one. It was extremely revealing and looked like something a stripper would wear.

Normally Blaine wouldn't care, it was his costume choice, but the boy didn't look happy. He looked extremely uncomfortable and out of place. There was a fading bruise on the left side of his jaw, a faint yellow.

The knight pulled the boy in the cat costume down into his lap, kissing him. The people around them cheered.

"Having fun, kitty?" the knight slurred.

The boy smiled, and it looked genuine. "I always have fun when I'm with you," he said, kissing the boy on the cheek. It left a black lipstick mark.

"You should get yourself something to drink," the knight said.

"Jake, I told you I don't drink," he reminded him.

"You need to loosen up, kitty." He took the boy off his lap and spanked him. "Go get yourself something."

The boy nodded, smile dropping as soon as he turned away from the knight, aka Jake.

Blaine followed him at a distance, a bit worried.

Simply walking through the house, the boy got catcalled by several people.

"Hey, cutie," one boy said, backing him up against the wall.

"I'm not interested," the boy said, trying to get away.

The other boy traced a finger down the boy in the cat costume's shoulder. "Such luscious, creamy skin, kitty."

The boy sighed, shutting his eyes briefly. "My boyfriend certainly thinks so. Maybe you know him. His name's Jake."

The other boy jumped away from him as if he had burst into flame. "Oh god, please don't tell him. I didn't know."

"Just leave me alone."

The other boy nodded profusely, leaving.

Blaine decided it would be a good time to approach the boy. "Hey. Um, are you okay?"

He sighed. "It's nothing I'm not used to."

Blaine frowned. "I'm sorry. That must be awful."

The boy kept walking, and Blaine followed alongside him. "What do you want?" he asked eventually.

"I don't want anything. Well, your name would be nice. You just looked uncomfortable back there, I wanted to make sure you were okay. Blaine, by the way."

"Kurt. And I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Blaine couldn't help but speak before he thought through the words. "You know, you're a lot shyer than the costume suggests."

Kurt glanced down at it. "My boyfriend chose it. He thought it'd look nice."

"'Nice?'" Blaine repeated skeptically.

Kurt colored slightly. "That might not have been his exact word choice."

They reached the kitchen, where there were several bottles of alcohol. Kurt wrinkled his nose at the smell, and Blaine couldn't even get close to the bottles.

Kurt picked up a Solo cup and looked at the assortment of bottles. Eventually he set the cup back down and grabbed two bottles, one of beer and the other of ginger beer.

"There's no alcohol in that," Blaine pointed out.

Kurt shrugged. "It looks like a beer bottle, and he's too drunk to tell the difference. Hopefully. You want anything?"

"Is there any coke?"

Kurt pulled a bottle out of the fridge and handed it to him.

"Thanks," Blaine said.

Kurt nodded to him. "I should get back."

"Mind if I kind of join you? I lost the guys I came here with."

"Sure. I'd help you find them, but Jake would probably be suspicious if I was gone for too long."

Kurt spoke so casually about it, it made Blaine even more concerned about their relationship. Didn't Jake trust him?

Blaine chuckled. "Don't worry, they're probably off somewhere having sex. I don't really want to find them."

Kurt laughed as well. "Might be best to leave them alone."

They walked back to the living room in silence. Kurt made his way through the crowds of people talking and back over to Jake, while Blaine got stuck at the back.

He could hardly see, but as soon as he heard a bottle break, he fought to see the front.

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