Chapter 13

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Arima walked the streets looking and thinking.


Batman looked at the man placing the suit case down. "What is this." The white haired man just looked at him "it's a quinque too fight against ghouls. But it seems that I'm not in Tokyo or matter of fact my world." Bruce just gave the bat glare seeing it wasn't effective he looked at the black and gold suit case. "What brought you here."

Arima looked at this 'bat freak' "I have no idea."

End of flashback

The man kept walking holding his suit case on hand then stopped in front of a building Wayne interpose. Fixing his glasses kept walking around till he heard some police gun fire. The investigator was curious running to the action only to see a mud creature robbing a bank.

Arima stood there eyeing the monster "what are looking at!!" The monster sent a hammer fist flying towards him making him dodge.
Clicking his suit case to reveal his quinque running at the thing slicing it in half.

"You think that can stop me?!" only to see the man with a white looking thing in the other hand glowing yellow firing electricity making the thing scream. Arima then went up to the thing cutting into its body sending a blast again.

Boom boom

Arima looked up to see a muscular man with gauze on his shoulder others known as bane. "Let's see what you can do freak." The investigator ran but bane grabbed a car throwing it at him. Arima sliced the car in half only to run and kick bane in the face.

The villain stumbles back grabbing his face "Batman's sidekick huh where is that bat freak!" Bane charged only for arima to activate his quinque shield making clash. "I've fought things you would be feared of." Arima then stabs bane in the arm and electrocuted him knocking him down.

Police came to him looking at arima "nice going where's your red and black eye? Eye patch." Arima raised an eyebrow making his quinque back into a suit case.

Arima looked at them in curiosity thinking about the red and black eyes ghouls. "What do you mean by that?" Gordon showed up on scene to see arima with two down bad guys. "Thought me and the bat told you to chill out your delusional." Arima looked at the chief then walked away "I took care of those guys cause y'all don't have experience."

Batman was on the roof just witness what arima was capable of thinking to himself.

He can't find Kaneki.

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