Chapter 57

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What's going to happen in the end? Make your predictions before chapter 60! 😂(Drawing made by me...didn't go the way I wanted it to, but close enough! Anyway Enjoy

Slender's POV

Why can't I teleport?! I've been trying, but it doesn't work! Is this being more powerful than I?! I look down at (y/n) and realize he's soon going to pass out, by the look on his face that is. Jeff is in a lot of pain as I hold him with my tendril, but he's also pissed off. (Classic Jeffrey!) Many of the other pastas are losing their fights and are just defending themselves. No matter how many I destroy, more come. I know (y/n)'s thinking of how to stop Sane and one of the thoughts scare even me....

Sane's POV

I laugh as the pastas are losing to my simple shadow soldiers. I manage to get a look of Slender holding (y/n) and Jeff from harm. My little boy looks so weak and helpless in the state he's in, but he should of never went to that mansion...this is his fault. I was about to help him when he was being whipped, but Slender's proxies just had to come! I need to get (y/n) from him because since were "bonded" I can still hear his thoughts and I know what he's planning on if these pastas can't win this battle.... I cannot let that happen...especially that the thing he's thinking of, can destroy me in the process...he just can't handle it...and he knows that! I need to get him and then get away from here. I will not allow those bastards to take my brother from me! Well...not my blood-related brother, but he is all I have close enough as a family to me. When I saw that he was seeing the pastas as family and depending less and less on made my blood boiling with rage. I smirked as I saw another one of the pastas fall to the ground, believe the name was Jane. (Y/n) noticed and pointed her out to Slender. Slender grabbed her also and now had three people he was protecting. I felt my eyes glint with anger as (y/n) was still helping them out in a way. I needed them dead! I felt my anger rising until I made the soldiers disappear, making them confused. "I think it's time for a rematch....right....Kage....?" I made a sinister smile. Kage growled, but stepped forward anyway. I watched as he was walking forward towards me.

This is going to be fun....


NUUUU BREAK IS ALMOST OVER FOR ME NUUUUUU!!!! Anyways just so ya know I'm sorry that I take forever to write these cuz I've been getting stressed at over stupid things and writers block...sooo enjoy my shitty excuses, but hope you enjoyed the chapter! Probably the only one I'll do this week, but eh, so like always... BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!!!


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