#65 Trip to the Past

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#65 Trip to the Past

"Hey Bhabhi, don’t you think it’d be a great idea to throw Di a little surprise and maybe get her some gifts and stuff?” I asked as I walked into her room just a bit after lunch was over.

“You mean like one of those baby showers that’s becoming popular these days?” Bhabhi asked with a little bit of scepticism, pausing to give me a look as she changed Kanza’s dress.

Sitting on the bed next to her I said, “No Bhabhi, come on. I don’t want to make a huge event out of it. Maybe bake a cake and some cookies or cupcakes, get her something special? She’s been feeling really worn out the last couple of days and I thought we could do something to lift her spirits up.”

“It’s not a bad idea, who all are you planning to include in this surprise?”

“Just you and I and Sidra.”

“Ahha. So it’ll be like a girls hangout in the family after a while. Alright then, when do you want to do it?”

“I was thinking on Saturday. Dad was talking about some Nikah that they all had to attend, so most of the adults will be out of the way. I’ve told Mom already that I won’t be going.”

She sat back and gave Kanza one of her rattles to keep her occupied. Biting her lips, she remained silent for a bit as she thought about it. “Ammi did mention it, but since it’s a distant relative she told me it wasn’t necessary for me to attend. The venue is also quite far off and it’ll be tiresome with the children.”

“So Saturday is perfect then!” I gushed clasping my hands together.

“Let me tell Sidra to tag along with Zaid when he’s coming later so that we can plan this together,” Iqra Bhabhi said picking her phone up from the dressing table. Tucking away strands of hair that had escaped her messy bun, she was swiping through her call history as I scrutinized her.

“Why is Zaid coming?”

Why did I even blurt that out?

Iqra Bhabhi gave me a cheeky smile as she remarked, “Aren’t getting a little too curious about my brother?”

“Oh please,” I said rolling my eyes.

It has been two days since Hamdaan’s proposal came through. Dadi had spoken to Juveriya Aunty and my parents at length after our conversation was over. Alhamdulillah, it was resolved well contrary to my fears. Of course Dadi’s taunts about him “having more spine” grated on my nerves quite a bit. Several times I had to stop myself from storming into Dadi’s room and asking her exactly what he had to say. While she did feel bad about Hamdaan, Iqra Bhabhi was very happy that I didn’t go through with the proposal. No surprises there after all.

Both Di and Bhabhi had grilled me about my conversation with Dadi. It took a great deal of dextrous management of the issue to not blurt out what Dadi had told me. But I had a feeling Bhabhi already knew. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hashim siblings conspired together over this.

However for the past two days there hasn’t been any talk. Even Bhabhi did not indulge in her usual veiled teasing and pointed remarks. Life was almost too mundane at Ashiana. Apart from discussions about shopping for Samir’s wedding and getting the painting of the house and furniture works started, things were pretty much normal. Mom had taken me with her to Dar-e-Rahma the day before to meet my grandparents and also the husband of my Khalid Mamu's youngest Safa. The two of us were unable to attend the wedding which had taken place a couple of years back.

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