Chapter 5: Long time not see

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Catra's POV
We walked the path leading to the castle I realised that it's been nearly a whole week since I had been here adora must be worried sick or not but then right on time I see adora running up to me " where have you been" she hugged me in her warm In brace god I felt safe when I was with her " well there is some I would like you to meet" I move to one side and adora's eyes widen " oh my word your your" she smiled " catra's mum yeah" my mum hugged her so she is a hugger huh can't relate " you sure do hug a lot don't you mum" she chuckled " your just like your father you know" I smiled " can we talk more about him later I'm starving we walked like 2 miles" she turned to adora " she is just lazy we actually walked 10"  "wait what" both adora and my mum laughed I just rolled my eye and walked on
Adora's POV
I pulled catra to one side " I'm so sorry I didn't believe you catra" she smiled " don't worry adora I'm sure I can find a way you can pay me back" she purred and winked I felt my cheeks go red oh she loves to tease me.... not like I don't mind it ergh gay thoughts be gone.... what's the point in stopping them I smiled and walked on
-time skip-
I walked over to catra " hey adora" I smiled " I can't believe you found your mum after all these year" she smiled " there is so much I need to learn it's unreal I don't know if I would have a time to do it all" I have a confused look on my face " well most of my time I spend teasing you" she purrs and winks  I feel my cheeks go red I punch her on the arm "ouch what was that for" I smirked " just because I can" catra pushed me "oh bring it on" she started running " no adora please have mercy on meee" I ran up to her and jumped on her causing her to go onto the floor I start tingling her " no pleas ahhh adddddooooorrrrrrraaaa" I start to laugh but before I knew it catra was on top of me smirking "what you gonna do now adora" she is obviously trying to tease me " why don't you come down here and I will show you" I see her cheeks go red I hear the door open to anyone walking in this looks bad " adora....... um i need to um speak with you" great timing bow catra gets oh and I walked to bow " is that what I" ergh " no it wasn't" he gave me a really face " but I did really look" I snapped at him " it wasn't now can you please tell me why you want to speak with me" he giggled " um the queen wants to see you and catra it's important she said something about catra needs special treatment and training and you training her" I smile " great let's go see her" I grabbed catra " where are we going adora" I explained what bow said to me " adora, catra please sit down" I see catra's mum sitting next to the queen " as we all know catra is a trouble maker" I look at her in a stern way she whispers in my ear " tell you later adora" she giggles " but all is in the past what matters is now catra" I see her ears puck up " I need full attention and hard work at all times this is your only chance if not you have to go home with your mum" she fell silent for a second " I understand I will not let you down queen" she smiles " now all of the important stuff is out the way tonight is a party for the new princess" princess " we where to busy to throw you a party so now that catra is here it is a perfect time to do it, it will be healed purfumas land and it's happening tonight" I smiled oh yeah " oh I all most forget adora you will be training catra" catras eyes glowed I just giggled and before I knew it glimmer grabbed me and bow grabbed catra

Catra's POV
"Bow I've told you I'm not wearing a dress" he got sad " step aside let me look" I started looking and I came to this crimson red suit " oh yes definitely" bow can wondering over " oh my god adora is gonna love that on you" I smiled " ahah can't wait to see her reaction" I went into bows bathroom and got changed I rolled up the sleeves tucked in the shirt undid my top button and slung my bow tie around my neck " dam I look good" bow wonders in " catra you look so good" he  gave me a warm smile " do you need help picking a suit" he nodded and held up to suits " blue or white" I thought for a minute " white with a white and gold shirt back pants and a black bow tie" he giggled and I walked out the bathroom " he came out and went to the mirror " it's missing something" I know " how about this I ripped it to make it a crop top " That's better and a clean rip to"

Glimmer's POV
" ok adora what should I wear" I went to my cloths " purple looks really good on you" I found a really nice purple dress" this looks really nice glimmer" I see adora looking around" oh and theses will go really well with it" she handed me white gloves and a back chocker with a diamond gem attached to it " are you sure I don't want to look stupid" I hear her make a pttt " I'm sure all the boys will love it" my cheeks went red " that's including bow" I punched her arm" ok stop it and what are you gonna wear adora" she went to her room " I'm back" she pulled out a light crimson red dress with a brown belt we both got ready and we both were looking ready to hit this party " LEYS GET THIS GOING"

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