Waking Up

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"Come on! Time to get up!" A shifting in my bed made me aware of the face that Lola was sitting on my bed. I had woken up the moment she was opening my door but I was trying to stay in the warm glow of sleep, hoping she would go away. I shifted and shoved my face into my pillow. She laughed and ran her fingers over my head softly, massaging my head and spreading my hair. I sighed.

        "You're going to put me asleep again Lola."

        "You are so hot when you are like that, my little kitty cat." I jerked up and leaped from bed while Lola giggled on the bed. Tony was standing at the door, smirking happily and leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed over his tight shirt. I glared a little at them. Tony's eyes widened as his face lost his smirk while he stared at me. "Y-you look . . . so . . . different with your hair down. It's . . . perfect." He stood up straight, his arms unfolding slowly as he looked me up and down. "Why don't you wear your hair like that every day for work!?" I pursed my lips and pulled at my long hair shimmering around me.

        "Maria said not to. Because of you." Tony pouted.

        "YOU DARE VENTURE INTO A LADIES BED CHAMBER!!???" Thor boomed and stomped into the room. Tony didn't look the slightest bit worried, shooting Thor only a disinterested glance as his arms went to crossing again.

        "And what exactly did you come here for? Pops of Tart?" Tony rolled his eyes and I smiled a little, trying to hide my amusement as Thor blushed and yelled more. It was so cute when Thor said he wanted those "pops of tart" as a snack one day. He pouted up at me as I giggled at him and I had to spend some time telling him that I was not laughing at him.

        "Boys, boys. You're both famous." They both looked at me before Thor picked up Tony my his shirt and threw him out of my room. As Tony was yelling about his "one of a kind, specially made T-shirt that was worth more than hundreds of Thor's 'mama drapes'" Thor shoved the door shut. He turned and hugged me, pulling me close.

        "That nasty iron brain didn't touch you, did he? How dare he walk into a ladies room and touch her!" I laughed a little.

        "You do realize that is exactly what you are doing right now don't you?" He pulled back, his hands grasping my shoulders.

        "Is Not!!!" He cried, a look of righteous indignation coloring his voice and expression.

        "You idiot, it is too!" I shifted my eyes over Thor's large shoulders to see Loki. He was rolling his eyes. Thor spun around angrily.

        "You stay out of this, Brother!!!" Thor roared unhappily and pointed a finger at Loki. Loki stood in the doorway and he shrugged his shoulders.

        "Too bad, I already touched her. A lot more than you ever will." He smirked nastily, egging Thor on. Thor roared and charged, his golden hair sparkling behind him as his muscles bulged in anger. Loki grinned as Thor ran right through him and toppled over. Loki shut the door on the outraged voice yelling out his name. As he shut the door he looked at me from the corner of his eye and grinned dangerously.

        "Works every time." He turns to me, his hands falling from the door and he walks to me. "You are quite the mid-guardian, my dear." He walked around me and ran his fingers through my hair. "To get all these people riled up over you. Quite curious. Serve me well, Peasant." He grins one last time before leaning down and kissing me, his soft lips rubbing over mine for just a second. I still felt his breath on my lips as he walked away silently and closed the door. I raised my hand to my lips as fire raced through me. Somehow kissing him was nothing like kissing Tympan or Lustwig. It was something else entirely. I blushed a little before shaking my head and getting my thoughts back in order. I look down at Lola who never moved on my bed and she looks up at me with an amused face.

        "What am I, chopped liver?"

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