Chapter 40

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I surprised Ellie at her house with lattes and the look on her face was priceless. I strutted up to her room as I always did. I decided the best method to get info was to seem as though I wasn't looking for it. Who knew if Ricci was brainwashing her this whole time.

"So... you and Ricci?" I asked with an innocent yet mischievous  grin.

"Whuh...what?" She asked shock ringing through her voice.

"Oh come on!" I said with fake enthusiasm, "I saw you two together at the party! Are you guys like talking?"

"Oh" she sighed with relief, "no no it's not really like that." She said a bit solemnly. 

"Oh well I think y'all would be like the cut—" I purposely knocked over a latte on my pants. "Oh shit! Ow!!!" I cried out dramatically. Ellie leap from her bed and rushed to my aid. Typical you could always count on Ellie to be that mom friend who always take care of others. She had me a pair of jeans to put on while she rushed down stairs to furiously scrub the latte stain out of my last seasons Gucci white skirt.

The second she left I lept up and began rummaging through her room. Shit nothing Ellie had nothing. I was just about to give up when I heard a board creak. I dropped to the floor where I heard it and pushed and sure enough the board popped open. I reached inside and found the holy grain. A fucking journal Ellie? Really so fucking cliche but perfect. I opened it and took pics on my phone. I figured I could read them later. I heard Ellie's foot steps approaching so I quickly put it back.

"What are you doing?" Ellie asked with accusing eyes as I stood over her secret floor board.

"Just checking my mui muis for latte stains but they are fine" I replied. Not sure if she believed me so I decided on a quick exit. "Actually Nic just called something wrong with his car so I'm gonna pick him up for work so talk to you later!" I rushed out of there as quick as I could.

I went straight to my room and locked the door just in case Nic or someone decided to pop in and surprise me. I quickly emailed the photos to my self and began reading. Unfortunately, I hadn't taken pics of her pages in order so they were somewhat scattered.

What I made out from the first one I had was that Ricci was a vampire and he could erase people's minds. This I already knew. It didn't really help me because it was mainly her rambling on trying to piece together her lost memories. The next page is were it got interesting. Ricci seemed to be important in this vampire community. Maybe he was very old or maybe they governed themselves some way and was part of it but her notes suggested he was important somehow.

Her last page confirmed what I feared the most. She said Ricci referred to himself as Nic's creator. That meant Nic wasn't human.

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