Chapter 29 Luck had nothing to do with it.

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I bend forward for the fifth time this morning and spilled my guts into the toilet. This was how my morning has been going since 2 am. Hurling EVERY five minutes.

It's been 2 days since my so called 'treatment' and judging by the amount of trips I've made here since 2 am , my guess would be their treatment worked. Again.

I sat back against the cool tile wall as I took another deep breath, trying to control myself from doing it again. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I stood up and flushed the toilet,  making my way back to bed . Again.

I didn't even bother to try and fall asleep again because I knew that it was a lost cause by now . Might as well finish my book.

"Or so she thought..." I read the last sentence of my book aloud.

"What!?" I said frustrated -that the book didn't end the way I wanted it to - slamming it shut .

Of all the ways they could've ended the book it had to be on a ambiguous note. But I guess that's  what kept readers reading and books selling. 

I placed the book back on my night stand , glancing at the clock , "7:15." I said out loud feeling my energy drain from me already.

Might as well get up and ready to face the day .

Today was another one of those busy days . Not only was I being tested to see if the procedure worked - which I'm pretty certain it did - but on top of that I had like 0 energy left in me and I was puking my guts out every 5 minutes. I might as well take a bucket with me and a sign  saying ' your stupid procedure worked so please just leave me alone today so I can wallow in my self pity '

I mean seriously,  who do they think they ar-

I rushed towards the bathroom , my feet following the familiar trail it left , as I hunched over again .

I wiped my mouth for the millionth time as a knock sounded from my door.

"I'm in he-" I yelled from the bathroom before my words got flustered by another wave of nausea hitting me.

"Andy , oh my gosh are you okay?" I heard Evan's concerned voice in the background as he reached for me , pulling my hair back.

I missed him so much...

I pulled back , tying my hair up as I sat back against the wall , giving him a faint smile - one that he didn't buy at all -

"Evan , I missed you so much. You feeling any better ?"

"Me ? Yeah I'm fine. I'm more concerned about you . What's going on ?" He said worried , sitting next to me on the cold tile floor.

"Yeah I'm fine . Just a little tired and nauseous that's all ." I said trying to give him a convincing smile though not even the muscles in my face had the energy left to move themselves.

"You sure ? I mean we can get you to a doctor . Was it something you ate ? Drank ? Was it one of those-"

"It's the serum Evan." I said blankly,  looking up at him.

"What?  "He said surpised,  though we both knew this was coming , him more than I did. 

"They gave me the next serum with the next donor two days ago. And judging by how much time I've spent in here , my guess would be that I'm pregnant.  I don't even need to go to that stupid doctor's appointment later ."

"Are you kidding me Andy , of course you do. Look at you , you're as white as a ghost , tired and I'm supposing that you haven't kept a single thing down since last night. We have to get you to that appointment , even if it's just to get you something for the nausea. "

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