EPISODE 2: Friend To Foe (Part II)

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[Okay, just one more part before I go on a hiatus again...
But I'll be back...



PAPA ZOLA: ANNNYYYWWWAAAYYYSSS!!! None of that is important right now because your teacher has given me a substitute task for you, you young ones...




PAPA ZOLA: And not JUST a quiz...A LONG ONE!!! Pretty much like an assessment, if you ask me...

GOPAL: What?! A quiz?! (starts that fake-crying he does [I dunno how to actually call it, but that's what he does when there's a test...]) Appa's gonna kill me...

FANG: (raises his hand slightly) But, Mr. Papa, isn't it a bit too early to have a quiz like this? We've barely even got into two topics...It's unfair~

PAPA ZOLA: (clicks his tongue) Oh, I'm so disappointed, you young ones...CAN'T YOU SEE THE BIG IDEA?!

PAPA ZOLA: (points at BoBoiBoy) BoBoiBoy has finished, passed, and aced all the previous tests with flying colors because of his hardwork and diligence! AND YOU SAY IT'S UNFAIR?!

BOBOIBOY: (His mind: Oh, shoot...My bad, guys...)(starts grinning awkwardly like an idiot)

EVERY OTHER STUDENT EXCEPT YAYA AND YING: (dart their eyes at him furiously)

PAPA ZOLA: (yells) Enough! This time, we'd have to hear from the REAL expert...(zooms to BoBoiBoy's direction) Tell me, my student of Justice, (fidgets with a pencil in his hand) what is your secret to achieving high marks so suddenly...?! (points the pencil at him like a mic)

BOBOIBOY: (His mind: Oh boi...) I...umm...I...thought of...a way to get smarter...?

EVERYONE ELSE: (stares at him)

(*crow noises)

FANG: (speaks to Gopal softly while not averting his eyes off of BoBoiBoy) You know, he's not entirely wrong...

GOPAL: (responds) You're telling me...

PAPA ZOLA: Oookaaayyy...AND NOW! WE ARE WASTING OUR TIIIMMMEEE!!! [Typing Papa Zola's dialogues means putting everything on caps lock...LOL] Since your papers are still yet to come, I shall give you the time to review!!! [Trust me, the exclamation marks are necessary...XD] And now...(zooms to the door) I WILL FOLLOW-UP YOUR PAPERS! TOODLES!!! (zooms away)

[INSERT RANDOM STUDENT HERE]: Man, he's so weird, I keep thinking why he lived in the first place...

YAYA: (speaks in a raspy voice) A test...Another test...(glares at Ying)

YING: (responds in a raspy voice as well) Another war...! (glares at Yaya)

YAYA: (stands, causing her chair to screech)(still speaks oddly) I'd like to see you below my ranks, sister!

YING: (does what she does) Well, kiss your dreams goodbye, bestie...'Cause that rank is MINE!

YAYA: Mine!

YING: Mine!


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