Chapter Seventeen: Surprise, Surprise!

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A/N: I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to post, truly I am sorry, but I hope I can make up for it with content so please, enjoy the chapter!(By the way, just a heads up, I used some words in here that I really don't like. I'm sorry in advance.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Third POV

Ronald Weasley had been rather quiet at school since that whole fiasco at the dueling club. So quiet, in fact, that Harry was beginning to question where the redhead was nowadays. He was rarely seen at meals and he always was the last one in class and the last one to leave. It was rather odd when you compared his previous behavior. Harry wasn't complaining but he was beginning to worry for the well being of his year-mate. Well, he now wished he didn't even give it a second thought.

Harry was off to visit Venenuma. He hadn't seen her since the week they had left for break and he was starting to miss her. So, it was off the to the chamber for him. He walked towards the second floor bathroom, he likes the slide, and just as he was about to open the door he heard chocked sobs coming from inside. He pressed his ear to the door and, frowning, stepped inside.

"Hello?" The sobs immediately stopped and Harry walked towards the stalls, crouching down to look underneath. A pair of black shoes peeked out from underneath the stall at the end of the row. "Hello? Who's there?" He walked closer and pressed and hand to the door.

"Please. Just go away. Please." A small voice, a first years probably, came from inside. Harry frowned.

"I'm not going anywhere. You can tell me what's wrong, I won't tell anyone. I promise." He heard some sniffles from inside and a shuffling of robes before the door was pulled open. One blue eye peered through the crack of the door and Harry smiled at the young girl. "You can talk to me if you want." The girl nodded and opened the door wider to step out. Harry glanced at the red hair and red robes before the name clicked into place. Ginevra Weasley, or just Ginny, the twins sister. Harry smiled at her and stepped back before sitting on the floor. 

"Are you Harry Potter?" Harry laughed and nodded, patting the spot on the floor next to him. She shakily sat down.

"And you are Ginny Weasley?" The girl blushed and nodded.

"How do you know?"

"Fred and George talk about you a lot." The girls eyes watered and she looked down. "Whats wrong? Did the do something? Do you need me to kick their arses?" Ginny laughed and shook her head, wiping her face with the sleeve of her robes.

"No not theirs."

"Whos then?" The girl glanced at him and bit her lip.

"Rons." Harry lightly sneered.

"Not surprised," Harry shook his head, rolling his eyes and looked at Ginny with a hard look. "What did he do?" 

"I, um, I-" The girl shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. "Charlie, one of my other brothers, came to visit for Christmas and he made a joke at dinner about me liking any of the boys and-" Ginny paused and sniffled. "I said I didn't like any boys. I liked a girl. And everyone went kinda quiet and then Ron blew up. He started to yell at me. Everyone else was fine with and started asking who it was, even Mum was fine with it. He didn't stop yelling until Mum silenced him with a spell." Harry blinked.

"Your brother is homophobic?" Ginny nodded, tears burning in her eyes. "I thought he just didn't like us, never thought it was because we were gay." Ginny looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You're gay? I thought that that was just a rumor." Harry shook his head laughing.

"Not a rumor Ginny." She was silent for a moment. 

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