Chapter 1 (Camping)

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Layla peeked inside Stella's room and saw her laying leisurely on the couch.

"Common Stella! everyone is asking about you. I want your lazy ass downstairs in five minutes because I'm sure you will not like me bringing everyone into your room." I rolled my eyes.

She slammed the door and went away without waiting for an answer. Stella knew Layla would do exactly what she said if she didn't go downstairs in time. She unwrinkled her t-shirt and dragged herself out of her room. She could hear all the chattering and laughing even upstairs.

'If only I was not an introvert.'

She exhaled a deep breathe and went inside the livingroom. She greeted everyone and sat beside Layla on the sofa.


John was Layla's special friend and Harry was John's friend. Layla would frequently plan such meetups because she was extremely social and loved hanging out with friends, but Stella avoided such gatherings.

"Okay so Stella we were planning to go camping this weekend. What do you say?". Layla asked her excitedly.

"Well I don't mind unless I'm not involved."

"What do you mean, you are going with us. I'm not taking no for an answer". John told her.

"Yes Stella. Stop being a I-would-cancel-the-plan types." Harry said.

"I would love to accompany you guys but I've some chores pending which I intend to complete this weekend". She presented a lame excuse.

"For example?." Layla confronted her.

She was not prepared for this question. She was the type of person who prepare their script before having a conversation.

"I've an assignment pending" was the first thing that came in her mind.

"Oh please I clearly remember you submitted it last week. Think of something more convincing." Layla rolled her eyes.

"I don't have to tell you everything. I'll decide what I want to do after all it's my life".

"Yeah! And you are not living it to the fullest by being a jerk. Trust me girl if you keep living like this you'll have nothing to laugh about with your grandkids".

"Yes Stella please join us, I insist". It was Harry this time. He had so many emotions in his eyes but Stella was not a good reader.

She couldn't deny the offer of her secret crush. She was easy to convince anyway.

"Okay okay! I'm in." She agreed.

"That's my girl." Layla hugged her tightly almost choking her.

"So what's the plan?"

"I know about a very cool camping site, but.." John paused as if unsure whether to complete the sentence.

"But?" Layla saw the worried expression on his face.

"It's in the Horsford woods".

"No way! Don't you guys think about that place."
Stella exclaimed. There was a moment of silence.

She knew how they have always been told to stay away from Horsford woods because some abhorrent creatures called werewolves lived beyond that area.

"Okay I feel so dumb right now. Will someone please explain to me what's this all about?" Harry was confused.

Stella started telling him about the history of Horsford woods.

"I'm sure you have read books about werewolves and you know about the great war that was fought between humans and werewolves hundred years ago. Horsford woods is considered a grey area between a werewolf pack and our town".

She was referring to the war between a human tribe and Alpha Horris' pack over a human female named Grace. Grace was the daughter of an influential tribe's head. Alpha claimed her to be his mate but since there is no concept of a mate in humans she rejected him. A bloodied war was fought and thousands of humans and werewolves were killed. Grace died of suicide and her last will was to finish the war that had caused a lot of damage to both communities. Finally a peace pact was signed and according to the agreement no one from both the communities will ever step into each other's boundary. Because humans and werewolves could never get along.
No human had ever dared to enter werewolve's territories and neither did they try to enter human lands after the peace pact was signed.

"I see. So that means we cannot go there."

"Of course we can. My friend James had been there with his friends, and he recommended that site to me. He even closely encountered a Wolfpack hunting.
Trust me you guys don't want to miss this opportunity. It will be an adventurous trip worth remembering."

"No, no, no, no......we ain't going there. Guys if.." Stella was cut in the middle by Layla.

"Shut up you scaredy pants. No ifs and buts, you'll be thanking us later in your life when you think about these adventours."

"Risking your life is not adventurous it's stupidity." She was firm this time.

"Do you want me to ask Harry to insist you again." Layla whispered in her ear.

She could only glare at her older sister but her heart was pounding in her chest because her well-kept secret was out.

"Oh my sweet little sister, do you think you can hide your feelings from me. There is a reason why I invited Harry today and planned this trip. I want to hook you guys up." Layla giggled seeing her blushing.

"Okay Stella has no objection. We are going camping to Horsford woods this weekend." Layla said aloud then whispered in Stella's ear again

"Trust me girl you are gonna remember this trip for forever."

She was right, Stella was going to remember this trip Forever, but not in a good way.

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