Chapter 36 | Potter & Black

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Mia was discharged from the hospital a few days after she had regained her memory because the Healers and nurses needed to check that it wasn't some kind of fluke and they needed to make sure that she was definitely better before they let her go. The question of where she was going to go was also raised and Mrs Potter even offered to take Euphemia home with her herself (which made Charlus very excited but freaked out at the same time). However, just when Mia was about to leave the ward with all her things in hand beside a fussing Mrs Potter, Cassiopeia Black turned up out of the blue.

"Hello, Euphemia. I'm glad to see you're better. Come along now," Cassiopeia said sharply, her cold eyes scanning over Mrs Potter and she curled her lip before marching forward and cementing her grip on a now subdued Mia's wrist. "Why have you just turned up now?" Euphemia demanded - she was a little hurt that her mother hadn't come to visit her but it was something that she was used to so it hadn't bothered her that much.

"She's been in hospital for five days, you know, Cassie. Did you even know? Or did you not care?" Mrs Potter suddenly spoke up and Mia sent her a surprised look at the fact that she seemed to know her mum. How did they know each other? It was obvious that the two women didn't like each other either as Cassiopeia sent Mrs Potter the deadliest glare ever. "I did care but I was busy, Everleigh. Not all of us can afford to stay at home all the time because we depend on our husbands to keep the family insanely rich," she said snidely and Everleigh Potter scowled whilst Euphemia sent her mother a confused glance. How hypocritical...

"But, Mother, you sit at home all the time and rely on Fa-" Mia started to say but Cassiopeia simply snapped "Quiet, girl," in her direction before she walked forward and grabbed Euphemia's luggage from Everleigh's hands, which made Mrs Potter narrow her eyes. "She has a name, you know. I would've thought you would've known it seeing as she is your daughter," the woman retorted and Mia winced internally as she saw her mother's temper mount to the ceiling. If they weren't careful, someone was going to get hurt.

"Okay! I'm ready to go, Mother. Thank you for your help, Mrs Potter but we must be going now..." Euphemia started to babble in slight panic as she saw Cassiopeia remove her wand from her robes pocket and she also noticed that Everleigh already had her wand clutched in her fist.

"I'd watch your back if I was you, Potter. You're going to get your comeuppance very very soon and then you will regret everything," Cassiopeia hissed and Mia shot an apologetic look at Mrs Potter which was also full of slight fear as her mother span on the spot and dissaperated, taking Euphemia with her so that Everleigh disappeared in a flash.

"Seriously, what is your deal with her?" Mia asked incredulously as soon as they arrived back at the Black Manor, forgetting her fear of her mother for a moment and she swore she saw something similar to pain flash across her mother's face. "Let's just say she stole something of mine a long time ago..." Cassiopeia started to say softly before she snapped herself into sense, "...but it doesn't matter now because I had a duty to fulfil and I have now upheld it. Like you will in the future. Now get inside," Cassiopeia said all of this rather mysteriously and Euphemia swore she was seeing a different side of her mother but it was soon gone as she snapped at Mia to get inside.

Euphemia scrambled inside with a slightly timid look on her face and, as she walked into the glamorous Entrance Hall, she eyed the stairs that she had 'fallen' down with an apprehensive expression plastered on her face. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to risk going up them alone again so the girl whispered for Tibet and the house elf appeared with a crack and helped her with her luggage and up the stairs. "I is very glad you is being okay, Mistress Euphemia!" Tibet exclaimed as they got to the top of the stairs and their voices soon faded off into the distance.

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