1. Peaceful Times

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Ethan didn't know when it began, exactly. After all, loving Grayson was something he'd done since birth. For eighteen years, Grayson was the one constant in his life. His partner in everything, his best friend, his brother. They were twins, and Ethan couldn't remember any point of his life where Grayson wasn't in it.

But, he remembered the first time he began thinking about it. Actually thinking about it, instead of simply dismissing the thought as one of the crazier fan theories, like he usually did. It was when Grayson stomped into his room, threw himself onto Ethan's bed, and screamed as loud as he could into Ethan's pillows. He would be concerned about the possible drool being spat onto his pillows, if he wasn't more concerned about Grayson's mood.

"What the fuck, dude?" Ethan asked. "What's wrong?"

In his mind, Ethan already thought about what Grayson was possibly doing. He knew that Grayson was talking with Nate concerning their upcoming tour and probably simply catching up when Ethan left them in the living room. He wondered if something happened between then and now.

"Nate is out of our tour," Grayson growled out, lifting his head and glaring at nothing with his chin propped on top of the pillow. Alarmed, Ethan stood up.

"What?! Why?" Ethan was about to go out of the room, wanting to ask the person himself.

"Don't bother, E. He's gone, thank fucking god," the venom in Grayson's tone was what stopped Ethan on his tracks. He turned towards his brother, who was still laying on his front, clutching Ethan's pillow and still glaring. Confused and concerned, Ethan moved to sit on the bed, right beside Grayson.

"Okay. What the hell happened, Gray?" Ethan asked, trying to calm himself down. The tour is important. It meant so much for both of them. They planned everything and wanted them to go on perfectly. They never thought their friend wouldn't be there with them, helping them and sharing that experience. And Nate—he was always a little closer with Grayson than with Ethan, but he was still one of their best friends.

Grayson, instead of actually answering, just growled again and punched Ethan's pillow. Which only increased Ethan's concern.

"Okay, that's enough. Gray—Gray, give me the pillow—give me the pillow!" It took some bit of ridiculous wrestling, but Ethan did manage to wrench his pillow away from Grayson. He wondered if that was a mistake when Grayson took to glaring at him instead of the pillow. But, instead of punching Ethan in place of the pillow, Grayson seemed to wilt into himself and fell face first back onto the mattress.

Still confused and still very concerned, Ethan threw himself onto Grayson's back, determined to get the truth out of Grayson by any means necessary. Annoying him was one of Ethan's go-to tactic. Besides, Grayson never managed to keep anything from Ethan for very long, anyway. Ethan actually expected Grayson to roll over and push him off, but besides the initial 'oomph' when Ethan threw all his weight onto Grayson, he didn't move even as Ethan wiggled annoyingly to make himself comfortable on Grayson's back.

Very, very concerning.

"What happened, Gray? Tell me."

For a few seconds, Grayson didn't move. But, he then turned his head to the right, looking right at Ethan who has settled his head on Grayson's right shoulder. It alarmed Ethan that Grayson looked like he was about to cry. No tears were shed yet though, and Ethan would like to keep it that way.

"Nate talked shit about you," Grayson muttered out as if he was telling Ethan a secret. His voice was barely above a whisper, but their faces were so close there was no need to talk loudly like they usually did. Still, Ethan couldn't find anything wrong in that sentence, why Grayson looked like it pained him to tell Ethan this. They talked shit about each other all the time, to their faces. The four of them, either on camera or off camera. They all know none of them meant it.

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