Chapter 15: Moments

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"We do not remember days, we remember moments."

-Cesare Pavese

The floor was cold as your bare feet tip toed across the main corridor, the cool, desert air chilling your body. Your stomach released another ungodly sound as you turned a corner, walking desperately towards the kitchen.

In all the hustle of that night, you had completely forgotten to nourish yourself. You were starving. It had been so long since you'd had a cheeseburger and you were beginning to miss your home more and more.

Ah, that's a tricky word: home.

Some believe that home is where you are born, others believe it is where you lay your head down at night with your family close beside you, but the truth is that home is not a place, it has no coordinates on a map, and you wont't be able to see it from the sky. Home can be found in the people you love, the people who have changed you for the better and have stuck beside you no matter what.

Most people know where their homes are. You, however, were lost. You had always believed your home was with your family back in your world....but maybe your home was in The Four Kingdoms with all the men you had met there.

You released a sigh, running a hand through your hair as you entered the kitchen.

A few torches were lit and lined the walls, lighting up a portion of the large kitchen.

You raised your eyebrows, no one was supposed to be up at this hour, judging by the moon's position is was almost three in the morning.

You slowly moved closer to where the sound was coming from, your blue eyes scanning for anything suspicious as your body went on full alert.

You slowly grabbed one of the iron skillets that were hanging from a hook on the wall, your fingers tightening around the handle as you slowly approached the threat.

A blue blur shot past you, and you didn't hesitate.

You hit it with the skillet.

Yoongi released a loud groan of pain as he grabbed his bruised nose, his eyes watering from the pain and his head pounding as he fell to the floor.

Your eyes widened and you dropped the skillet onto the kitchen floor as you rushed to help the dark haired general.

"I am so sorry!" You started. "I thought you were a murderer or something."

Yoongi glared at you, his hazel eyes burning into your soul as he held his bloodied nose.

You gulped nervously.

You and the young general were already on bad terms, considering the fact that he believes you caused him to be humiliated in front of all the kingdom and now you had just smacked him in the face with a seven pound iron skillet.

You silently began to pray for Drake to swoop in and save you from his murdering look.

"L-Let me help you. " You stuttered out as you began to help him stand.

He shrugged you off roughly.

"You've helped enough." He growled out in annoyance.

You hung your head, slowly moving away from the angry soldier.

Blood began to drip from his nose as he leaned his head back, trying to stop the bleeding.

"You shouldn't do that." You stated, catching his attention.

"Why not?"

"If you do that blood could run down your throat and clog your air ways." You stated.

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