Chapter 1

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My name is Phoebe Gilbert. I am Elena Gilbert's twin sister, Jeremy Gilbert's sister, the daughter of Miranda and Greyson Gilbert, Jenna Sommer's niece, cheerleader, gymnastics champion, artist and photographer. That's me. I was a regular girl in a regular world.

Let's start on the night it all started, family night and the night of the bonfire for the end of school.

"Do I smell smoke?" Elena walked into the kitchen as I juggled blackened, burned and hot toast from hand to hand. I yelped and dropped it onto the plate. I looked at my sister, twin sister to be exact. She was dressed up far too fancy for family fun night where we played board games like monopoly and life.

"Yeah, my toast was a failure, you're a little dressed up for a night with the family." I observed, I couldn't even make an afternoon snack without nearly burning down the kitchen, a trait I got from my awesome aunt Jenna.

"I'm going to the bonfire."

"Have fun, though we will be having way more fun." I gestured to myself and Jenna as she walked over to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder from the side.

"I know." She chucked and grabbed a bagel and walked out, she was probably getting picked up by Bonnie. I skipped out last family night to go to a Coldplay concert with Caroline and I promised that next time I would stay so I was living up to that promise.

I discarded my inedible toast into the bin and sighed. "Oh cheer up kiddo." Jenna smiled and jumped onto the couch and dug into the Doritos that were on the coffee table, I couldn't stand Doritos, the cheesy flavour with the powdery texture, it was disgusting. I sat down across from her and saw my parents walking down the stairs hand in hand. Someday I want to love somebody like that. Jeremy followed them and sat down next to me, he was my younger brother and like me, loved to draw and paint, it was something we shared and did together, sometimes we would just go to the city square and sketch what we saw and admire each other's work.

My mom went into the kitchen and shook her head in amusement when she saw the burnt toast in the bin, it was no secret that I sucked at cooking. She grabbed out various ingredients from the fridge and started to cook something for dinner, a delicious aroma wafts from the stove. I pick up a deck of cards and shuffle them, another thing about me was that I rocked poker and all card games, I had a killer poker face. I dealt the cards and Jeremy tried to control his face as he sought through them.

"So what's the prize?" I asked, no point in playing if I don't win anything.

"You get leftovers." Dad said, funny how he said it like I already won. We all nodded and started to play.

It was hours later and the night was dark and freckled with stars. I rolled the dice for monopoly and grunted in annoyance as I landed on another one of Jenna's properties. She was the best at monopoly, I was horrible at it. It was shameful.

"You suck so bad at this." I stuck my tongue out at him and handed away 5000 fake dollars. It was so sad to see them go, I was losing by now.

Jenna let out a laugh as she collected her winnings from me. Mom walked into the living room, she was frowning, a rare occurrence for her, she always had a smile on her face.

"What's the matter mom?" she looked worried as she slipped on her jacket and grabbed her purse.

"Elena had a fight with Matt and needs me to pick her up." I nodded, she had lost interest in Matt and was getting scared of all the future talk that he was spewing.

"I'll come with." I stood and put on my leather jacket.

"Me too." Dad stood up. Jeremy and Jenna sat on the couch and waved bye. On my way out I ruffled my hand through his dark hair and laughed when he batted my hand away, he groaned and I walked out the door.

We filed into the car and I sat in the back while dad drove with mom in the passenger side. We picked Elena up and started to drive back.

I laced my hand with Elena's, "are you okay?" I whispered low enough that nobody but she could hear me. She shook her head and leaned her head onto my shoulder with a sigh.

"Look out!" I heard my mother yell as we swerved to miss a deer that came out of nowhere and we crashed over the bridge.

Everything was going so slow but so fast at the same time. My body was flung hard against the seatbelt and it crushed my lungs and I was snapped back into the cushioned seat, it wasn't feeling very cushioned. Water filled my lungs and mouth and I tried to gasp for air, only more water poured in and the air was gone. I could hear my heart hammering in my ears and my lungs screeched and burned.

I looked around, moving my head was a task, my head felt heavy and full of water. Mom was passed out and dad was pointing to Elena and me, a man, who I couldn't see through my hazy vision. It was a man from the figure.

I struggled against my seatbelt that wouldn't budge. The man leaned over and tried to free me, I shook my head and pointed at my sister who was passed out. She had to get saved first. I would not let her die.

He looked conflicted but swam to her side and freed her and then they disappeared. My parents were gone, they were dead. I stopped fighting against the restraining seatbelt and slumped against the seat, I wouldn't make it out of this car. Alive. Was content with dying as long as my sister was okay, she needed to be okay.

People say death is easy, painless. Other people say it's hard, long and hurts. I guess I took the hard way.

I couldn't see the water anymore but I could feel it pushing against me.

Then I drifted away.

I'm drifting.

Drifting away.

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