Chapter 3

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Stefan, Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy go into the tomb together, there is a desiccated body covered in cobwebs. Its face is not visible under the mask that it wears, in its black, dead hands it hold a piece of paper, falling apart, yellow and aged.

Stefan steps in front of everybody and pulls the paper from the dead hands that grip the paper. It nearly falls to dust in his hands so he delicately carries it towards the group and unfolds it, everybody watches in anticipation to see what the cure is.

The words are in a language that nobody recognizes.

המלאך יהיה מושיעם של כל אלה שהיו ארורים ויידונו לחיי נצח בעולם הזה

They all walk out crestfallen but still hopeful that they'll manage to get a really good dictionary.


Phoebe's POV-

I was in the coffin. The padding on the sides were dampening for some reason and I still couldn't breathe.

Air wasn't entering my lungs and they cried in protest. "HELP!" I scream but only waste more air. I gasp and writhe in pain.

Water is filling up in the coffin. Reaching my ears and wetting my hair. The water is filling the coffin slowly but surely. Will me suffocate or drown first?

The water is up to my chin and covering my legs. I bang my fists against the top of the coffin but with no result. I rip apart the padding as water enters my mouth that I quickly spit out, the water is covering my mouth and eyes now, my vision is blurring under the water. My whole body soon is immersed completely in water.

I pull myself through the hole that I had made and find myself in water. I see two lights up above and swim towards it, hoping to find the surface. Instead it's a car. I see a man and a woman inside who are unconscious and a girl in the back seat, who still struggles.

Her lips are blue and her hair floats in the water, her skin is white and purple veins show on her neck and arms. But I can see that she's me. I yank the door open to see myself no longer in the water and I can breathe again.

I'm standing on cold tiled ground. There's surgical equipment lined up, organised near the walls, on the walls, in the centre of the room. Metal tables are lined up in rows like graves, white sheets cover body size lumps but I can see a foot dangling out there and hand hanging out here. I scream and turn around but see my name on a clipboard attached to the wall with bodies on trays inside.

I pull it out and see by white body, blue lips and purple veins. My eyes are bottomless pits of black that pierce me right in my core.

'Your blood' my body says. My body's voice is monotone and it echoes around the never-ending room.

'Your blood' my body repeats. I push the metal tray back in and close the door.

I scream and feel arms surrounding me. Strong arms. Klaus's arms. I open my eyes and see that I'm in the guest room from last night.

It was a dream.

Klaus is behind me and holding my arms to my body, I stop thrashing and relax. A dream.

Just a dream.

I breathe out shakily and look back at Klaus who smooths out my tangled, wet hair from my face tenderly. I relax into the gesture and try not to think of my face, all blue and purple, the coffin, the water. Any of it. My hands trembled and I felt a large hand wrap around one, enveloping it in his warm, firm grasp.

"Bad dream." It was a statement not a question, I noticed. I looked at the English man with the blond curly hair, cerulean blue eyes and hard features.

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