:Chapter 4:

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Annie sat behind one of the radiators that lined the rooftops pavement. Catching her breath on the slightly angled ramp it sat on. She sighed, tracing her finger on the coarse pavement. She could feel her heart race as the faint sound of music and the rhythmic scraping of shoes against the pavement could be heard from up ahead. She hugged her knees to her chest as she tried to calm down.

“Hey loser.” Moe hung over Annie’s hair. “Are you going to go up there, or did coming here suddenly glue your ass to the pavement?”

Annie huffed. “I-I’m just exhausted.” She said, resting her head on her arms. “That’s all, I swear.”

“Oh I see…” Moe rolled his eyes. “You aren’t scared of talking to this spiky idiot, aren’t you…”

“I-It’s not-”

“Well I don’t blame you.” Moe scoffed, tucking himself back into Annie’s hair. “He could've killed me earlier today you know, and then he probably would've hurt you at the least! He’s a brute freak Annie! And he also has a shit fashion sense!”

“Moe…” Annie muttered.

“That better be the case Annie. I don’t want that goof to make goo goo eyes at you, that would be hella creepy. Like I said, he’s a poorly-dressed FREAK!”

Annie blushed. “M-Moe I think that’s enough…” She stood up, straightening her tunic before she swung her bag over her shoulder once more, picking her longboard and the mint-condition magazine up off the radiator she was leaning back on. Moe groaned in relief as she stood up and gathered her stuff.

Annie stepped out of the way of the radiator and out into the evening sun’s gleam once more. She stared up at the top of the shallow ramp, her eyes mainly focused on the moving silhouette that the sun almost flushed out. Annie hummed. “He’s dancing again?” She muttered quietly, a bit surprised to see the somewhat embarrassed urchin doing the thing that somehow made him a bit self conscious about his interest in music.

“I thought he would stop after we caught him in the act.” Moe bluntly added, making Annie silently scoff.


“Pffft! Yeah WE!” Moe rolled his eyes again. “YOU were the one who recorded it after all!”

“I-I was going to delete it in the morning Moe!” Annie huffed once more. “YOU were the one who used MY phone without MY permission!” She shook her head and clicked her teeth. “I’m still a bit mad at you for that by the way…”

Moe sighed. “Ugh… Whatever.” He buried himself deep within her hair. “Just get the loser and go home. I don't even care if you take him with us anymore… I mean I will care later but GOD do I want to get the fuck home right now.”

Annie shook her head once more as she felt the fish curl up around one of her locks of hair. She gulped as she began to walk towards the top of the ramp, but before she could make it to the top of the ramp, there was a sudden gasp; followed by a quiet “oh shit” coming from the urchin. Annie placed a free hand over her mouth as she watched the tall figure fall over. “O-Oh my god!” She gasped, rushing over to Spyke as he struggled to sit up.

“A-Are you sure you’re okay?” Annie stared at Spyke’s scrapped arm and torn pant leg, a look of concern gleamed across her eyes.

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