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"you're an abomination!"

jocelyn held her fingertips against witch's temples, feeling the power from the new orleans witch flow into herself instead.

"you're going straight to hell!" another new orleans witch screamed out, the fear evident in her eyes.

jocelyn let out a dramatic sigh, dropping her hold on the witch's temples before turning towards the voice. "perhaps," the siphoner walked closer to the witch tauntingly, an evil glint shining brightly in her eyes. "maybe i'll see you there."

jocelyn used the magic she had summoned from the previous witch to snap the woman's neck, the evil smirk never once faltering from her features.

the familiar ringtone seemed to be heard on que. jocelyn glanced to the screen, her smirk forming into a gentle smile at the contact name. "kitty kat, what do i owe the pleasur— john?"

☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★

"good evening."

jocelyn watched the interaction from the shadows, out of sight from both the original and damon salvatore. she couldn't deny the familiar aura the noble one seemed to give off.

"thank you for coming, please, come in." damon motioned towards the inside of his home. jocelyn rolled her eyes at the sound of damon's voice.

"just one moment," elijah paused, stepping forward towards the man. "can i just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, i suggest you reconsider."

"no, nothing dishonorable. just getting to know you." damon lied through his teeth.

after having known the man for a little while before she had left, she could see right through damon's deceitful words. the news john had told her the day prior giving her all the information she needed to know damon's intentions were anything but honorable.

"hmm. well, that's good because you know, although elena and i have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, i'll kill you and i'll kill everyone in this house. are we clear?" elijah stepped into the house, but turned when he felt the sudden presence of someone unknown to him.

"crysta—" damon started, but halted in his words when he felt the familiar cold fingertips press against his temples.

damon let out a groan, falling to his knees. jocelyn let out a soft chuckle, loving the way she could bring him down to his knees in one swift movement.

elijah made a move to stop the unknown girl, but quickly quit his action when their eyes met. "miss odessa." he mumbled so low, jocelyn's siphoner ears didn't have a chance at registering the words.

the devil in disguise, the vampire diaries ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now