17 ~ Love You and Leave You

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Eloise sat at her History of Magic desk, chin on her hand and her natural brown hair framing her face; she hadn't been in the mood for her usual colourful hairstyles since the fight with James and Sirius but somehow the ends refused to be anything but blue. She heard the door open behind her and someone walk in as Professor Binns droned on, but she didn't turn around.

"He's still not eating Remus" Eloise heard Lily say in a hushed voice and she heard what can only be described as a sad sigh from Remus,

"I didn't think he would Lils, he can hardly open his eyes, let alone eat" Eloise felt her heart flutter slightly at the thought of her brother,

"I'm worried about him about him Remus, I spoke to him all yesterday and this morning and he's still just as bad. He keeps going on about how he's failed as a brother and I don't think he's stopped crying since the whole thing happened...I'm surprised he has any tears left" Eloise could hear the sadness in Lily's voice, if James' state was affecting her that much - it must be bad. It had been long enough, from what people were saying, the situation with James had gone too far and Eloise refused to remain stubborn. She stood up abruptly, knocking her chair down, Professor Binns, of course, noticed nothing as Eloise picked up her bag and stormed out of the classroom, she could feel the eyes of the entire class burning into her bag but carried on in the direction of Gryffindor Tower...in the direction of her brother.

She finally reached the portrait of the Fat Lady,

"Snapdragons!" Eloise shouted, rushing to get to James. The portrait swung open and Eloise ran up the stairs, she reached the door to the room that her twin brother had been residing in for over a fortnight and faltered. What if James didn't want to see her? What if he hadn't forgiven her? Eloise took a shaking breath and gathered up all of her Gryffindor courage, not bothering to knock, she pushed open the door. She was met with a sight that broke her heart in two: James was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Dark shadows were visible under his eyes and his skin was ghostly pale, tear tracks down his cheeks. It physically hurt Eloise to see her brother in such a state of distress; a state she caused.

James hadn't looked around at the sound of the door, his expression remained emotionless and his body still. Eloise took a tentative step forwards, towards the lump that was James. Soon enough, she was stood over him, looking into his sorrowful, hazel eyes that lacked their usual light and humour. She sat down next to him,

"J..." only when James heard his sister's familiar voice did he snap out of his trance, he looked at Eloise with wide eyes and shuffled backwards, giving her room to sit down. She smiled at him softly and sat at the end of his bed, crossing her legs. James hadn't said a word, he continued to stare at his sister as he looked over her for the first time in two weeks. Eloise put a hand on his knee and rubbed it with her thumb, looking down as she spoke quietly,

"Listen James, I umm - I wanted to apologise" Eloise looked up to the melancholy face of her twin and best friend, "What I said was horrible and untrue, you are nothing like Lucius, you're the best brother I could've ever hoped for and I'm stupid for not having seen it before. I understand you were trying to keep me safe and I appreciate it, I really do. I overreacted and I know what I said was way out of order and I don't expect you to forgive me..." tears had spilled over, out of Eloise's eyes, "but I can't live my life knowing that I've hurt you, and I can't live my life without my brother." A small sob escaped her lips and she wiped her tears away.

Eloise felt a hand on her wrist and she was pulled into James' chest, he held her tightly and stroked a hand through her hair. She could feel him shaking with sobs as he hugged her and her shoulder was wet with his tears,

"I'm sorry. I love you Belle" his voice was thick as he spoke into her hair,

"I love you too Jamie" she pulled away and cupped his face in her hands, "You need to promise me that you'll never let things get this bad again. When was the last time you slept?" James shrugged slightly and Eloise sighed, standing up, "Well you need to, and you need food" she decided, putting a hand on her hip, her expression soon softened, "Let's never fight again" she said and James let a small smile on his lips,

"Deal" he said. A sharp voice could be heard from the Common Room,
"Sirius Orion Black! Get your arse back down these stairs! Don't you dare walk into that dormitory!" Lily's yells echoed around the tower and a loud groan sounded in response,

"Ughhh! Surely they should be done by now!" Sirius' footsteps were heard retreating as he walked back down the stairs,

"Well that's our cue. Can we go to the kitchens? I'm starving" James went to stand up, his gloomy aura slowly dissipating, replaced by a much more upbeat expression. As his feet hit the floor, he stumbled heavily, having to grip onto his bed for support,

"James!" Eloise exclaimed and he tried to stand up again, only to lose focus on the dormitory room as the world began to spin and his vision replaced with black.

Eloise watched as James hit the floor. She froze in panic,

"REMUS! LILY!" an ear piercing shriek came from the Marauder's room and Remus took no time in rushing up the stairs, taking two at a time. He ran through the door and spotted James in a crumpled heap on the floor, Eloise wide-eyed and stock still. Lily arrived seconds later and gasped in surprise,

"What happened?" Sirius ran in and saw James, promptly running to his side. Remus muttered a spell and soon James' unconscious body was floating peacefully a few feet in the air.

"Eloise, you come with me to the Hospital Wing, Sirius, get Professor McGonagall and Lily, you get the others" Remus took action and sped out of the door, a floating James trailing only metres behind.

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