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Alexandra has been planning for the future since she was seven and a half. She would attend university at Cambridge and major in art or creative writing- she couldn't seem to make a decision. She would finally get out of the drab orphanage where no one cares about anyone else and everyone seems to think she's a freak. She would move to New York City once she finished school and become a published author by the time she was 29. Then, she would explore the world.

She had her whole life ahead of her- planned to the very last detail- by the time she was nine. Never mind her past. Who would care that she had dead parents she couldn't remember if she was a New York Times bestselling author? Why would it matter that she came from an orphanage with barely enough money to feed their children if she had a million dollar penthouse overlooking all of New York City? No one would care. It didn't matter. The awful past didn't affect the bright future.

Well, at least that was what Alexa thought, until Albus Dumbledore knocked on the door to her room and told her otherwise.

Albus Dumbledore was an odd man. He told her that she was "special". He claimed that he could show her a whole new world, a world with magic and adventure, fascinating and enchanting. He explained that the awful past- her awful past, one that she didn't even remember- left her parentless. Dumbledore explained that he would rather her live somewhere in the wizarding world, where it was safer. He told her that someone would be there to collect her the next day. He left no time for her to ask questions.

So off she was whisked, into a world of magic and adventure, with new friends and enemies and a journey of self discovery.

Alexandra thought she knew everything about herself and what will happen to her in the future. But, she learned that before you can plan for the future, you have to know about the past.

And with hers, she learned that she's a complete enigma.


all rights reserved to jkr; these are (mostly) her characters, not mine

xoxo sophie

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