taking granny some "bread".

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So to start this off. My name is Robin Hood. Yeah just like the robin hood who robbed the rich to feed the poor. Yeah well as you will learn I don't do that. And my name was not on purpose. My name was going to be Robin Andrews but when I came out I had pale white skin and a deep red hair. Well the man who was suppose to be a black man my mom was dating. And it did rase a few questions, but it turns out my mom cheated on him with some foreign dude with red hair. And my would-be-dad dumped her. (Can you blame him?) My mom's last name was Hood so I got Robin Hood. I have to tell this to alot of people so... I'm over it.
Everyone calls me Red for my hair and it's just stuck.
But back to why I'm telling you all this. I was sitting in the living room reading when my mom came in. "Red, I have to run to the store could you take rent to your grandmother?"
(To explain we rent a house from my mom's grandmother. So that makes her my great grandma. She really rich and is really old but doesn't like my mom's choices. But she likes me... I guess.)
"Yeah I can. But you know she's just going to mumble and put it in one of her jars." I groaned.
"Ugh....I know she doesn't even need it. That old b...coop." my mom stopped herself. "Just take it to her and be back before dark... you know how these streets are."
"Yeah, I know but I'll be stopping by a friend's house for a while."
"That's fine. All right I better run. I love you."
"Love you too, mom."
She left me in the room and left in her car. I finished my chapter and went to the kitchen. I saw my mom current boyfriend Jordan. "Hey, could you give me a ride? I need to go to my great grandma's house."
He looked up with a shocked look. "You mean, the old bitch?"
"Uhh. Yeah. If you call her that to her face." I questioned.
"No, no. I-uh... I have some things to do. Yeah." He stuttered.
"okay thanks for nothing... I guess."
I had to use my bike since he was to scared to face the 'old bitch'. I took the main road most of the way into the middle of town. I was going to get to my grandma's house but I had to make a stop first.
I stopped at a gas station and locked my bike to a pole. I walked towards the door when my phone started to buzz I fished it out of my pocket having a little trouble with me tight jeans. When I looked up all I saw was a black wall coming towards me. And I hit that wall face first. I fell on my ass and held my nose. It really hurt. When I looked up I saw that the wall wasn't a wall but a really, really hot guy. He was about 6 foot with tan skin and black hair. He was wearing a black shirt showing his thick arms, not too thick just enough to make it really... okay I need to clear my head.
"Hey, are you okay?" The hot guy asked. He had a perfect voice.
"Uh... yeah I'm fine, just in a little pain." I jumped to my feet and rubbed my ass. He was staring at me.
"Well. You did run into me." He chuckled.
"Uh, yeah sorry. I-uh just wasn't watching where I was going."
"That's okay."
"And what are you made of?" I rubbed my nose.
"What?" He laughed.
"It felt like I ran into a wall." I goaned.
He laughed and crossed his arms. And I realized I my head didn't even reach his neck. I tried to stand a little taller and failed. I guess I'm just always short my jeans are large in kids.
"Shouldn't a kid like you be at home?" He frowned.
"I'm 17 years old, and believe me I can handle myself." He looked suprised.
"Uh... Sorry I thought--since you are so short..." He rubbed the back of his neck a little nervous.
"It fine," I said grudgingly. "Everyone does it."
"Hmm. What's your name?"
"I'm Red." I said. "What's yours?"
"Wolfgang, but everyone calls me Wolf." He shrugged.
"Hey, Wolf, you coming? Or do you have other things to do?" A guy yelled from a red camero. A few other guys were in the car and they all laughed.
"Yeah, yeah!" He yelled back.
"Sorry again for running into you." I said.
"Oh anytime." There was a pause as he looked at me. And I was blushing red. And I'm sure it really showed on my pale skin. We kept eye contact for more than a second when we both realized what we were doing. "Uh I hope you run into me again." He chuckled.
"Yeah... I mean no. Yeah I guess I'll see you later." I felt so stupid. Who knows if I'll ever see him again.
After one more silence he turned and left and I went inside. My heart was still beating fast as I got what I needed.
Damb I really hope I see him again.

Robin "Red" HoodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang