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She walked down the never lit path, her cheeks stained with tears. She stumbled on her way, her shoes gone, her makeup ran down her face, her mascara racing down her neck. Struggling to breathe as she sobbed. She hurried down the path like her life depended on it.. No.. Her life did depend on it. She fell, struggling to get the strength to get up. She gasped for air as she heard a twig break, she crawled to a tree to help her stand, only to fall again. She cried out for someone to help her, silence filled the space, no one was there.. Except for a man.. no.. not a man.. One.. Monster.. The man grabbed her ankles and dragged her to a low hanging branch. She screamed, kicked, bit, cried, she tried everything to get the man away but nothing worked.. Nothing worked.. The man cupped her chin and smiled. She cried and begged for her life, She screamed at him to let her go. She promised she wouldn't be bad anymore, she promised she'd do anything he said, she just wanted to continue to live. The man chuckled and sighed, he granted her wish but her time was soon to be up. She was dropped and she fell to her knees, the man disappearing into thin air, almost like he was never there. She ran home, tripping but managing to find her way in the pitch black. Morning soon arrived and she laid there, her family surrounding her and.. smiling.. But she laid there.. laying in her own pool of blood.. yet.. her family was smiling.. like they never missed her.. Like.. it was just another day for them.. Like she.. never existed..

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