Chapter 19: Saviour to fool?

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Suddenly seeing Lan Min's true face after so long, Zhihuan is reminded of how they first met. 

8 Years ago

11-year-old Zhihuan was currently on the annual imperial hunt. As he was still a child, not much attention was focused on him, but rather the Emperor. There were many spirit beasts roaming around and though he was still too young to form a blood contract with one, one could still kill them for their spirit gems.

The stronger the spirit animal, the stronger the spirit gem within. Such spirit gems can cause one's cultivation to manifest and grow, enabling one to become much stronger. Zhihuan was currently on a mission. Though he was young, he was determined to kill his first ever spirit beast and claim a gem. For his age, his cultivation was already beyond his years, however, he needed to get much stronger if he wanted to protect this nation one day. 

The Full Moon was shining, the stars twinkling. It was now night, hard to see in the dense forest. Little Zhihuan was currently accompanied by a group of 20 people, mostly consisting of eunuchs, maids and a few guards for protection.

Sticks snapped and cries from behind were heard. Zhihuan frowns in annoyance. These people accompanying him were useless. Not only were they extremely boring, but they were also creating so much sound that any spirit beast would run in the opposite direction. He needed to escape. 

As soon as that thought came into his mind, the pitter patter of rain started to fall, as if god was listening. Within minutes, the rain was pouring down, making it hard to distinguish what was in front of one. Lightning struck, illuminating the dark sky with hues of purple and blue.

Zhihuan smiles as he notices everyone around him struggling to travel through the harsh rain and the now pooling muddy ground. Unnoticed, Zhihuan slips away, his clothes now soaked. 

He runs, trying to get as much distance as he could from them. Sharp branches swat at him, cutting his skin. Zhihuan laughs, not feeling the pain at all as the harsh rain continues to pelt at his skin. He had never felt such freedom before. As he slows to a stop, the loose dirt underneath him gives way, causing Zhihuan to slip and fall.

The steep ground was now wet and slimy from the rain that was still continuing to fall harshly. Unable to find a grip, Zhihuan's body slides down a steep muddy path. Zhihuan tries to grab at the trees but his hands were flung away at the force his body was traveling down. 

Glancing down, Zhihuan sees the edge of the muddy path coming to an end. His eyes widen in panic, he was about to fall. He tries to dig into the mud with his hands but it was too wet, only causing chunks of mud to be pulled out.

His body is thrown off the muddy cliff edge and he is sent spiraling downwards. 1 meter. 2 meters. 4 meters. 7 meters. Zhihuan continues to fall, unable to see anything due to the mud in his eyes and lack of sunlight. However, he could hear though. The unmistakable sound of rushing water. 

*Splash* Zhihuan cries out, bubbles escaping his mouth as he is enveloped in freezing water. He thrashes about, his body jerking in various directions. He did not know how to swim and he starts to panic.

Various slimy substances touch his skin and Zhihuan screams, unable to see in the pitch black water. He trashes about as he continues to sink deeper. He could not die here. So far away, so alone. As if by magic, the moon rises above the trees, illuminating the dark water. The water suddenly lights up, creating a stunning green colour like polished jade. 

Zhihuan's lungs start to jerk, convulsing from the lack of oxygen. Zhihuan was just about to accept the fact he was truly going to die when he suddenly sees something diving into the water and swimming towards him like a mermaid. Zhihuan blinks, his vision going blurry. He feels something grasp his body as it pulls him upwards, towards the surface.

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