11.6 The Night Of Consummation

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The night has come.

Lang Yuan is sitting comfortably unto the edge of the bed. To say that he was too comfortable would be a lie, but that is the truth so far. After the whole day of greeting and talking to guests that feels like forever, Lang Yuan finally found the peace that he wanted. He even removed his shoes and tossed it to the corner while slightly massaging the sore heels.

Ah, he's finally away from that social torture. He thought that luckily marriage only comes once. What could have happened if he have to attend many wedding ceremonies? He will surely die due to exhaustion and anxiety. Even by just doing the bowing made a toll unto his mental state.

"So tiring," he muttered.

After a few minutes of rest, Lang Yuan gained a few of his energy and decided to look around the place. When he asked if he could take some break, Yu XueQin told him to rest on his room. Lang Yuan was happy to receive the approval when Zhong Song blocked his way. The scholar told him that since he is now an Empress, he would be living in a different quarters. He was then brought to this very luxurious room that has a very large bed.

Oh, it was large indeed now that he was scanning it closely. By the size, he could fit in with JiDan and Yu XueQin with still a plenty of space left. The bed is also bouncy as he was slightly bouncing unto the edge. The quality is the same of that in the modern society where springs are invented to enhance the bed's comfortability. Lang Yuan tested the waters by making a cannon ball jump unto the center. The result? He was almost engulfed by the sheets.

"Ah, this is so comfortable," he said while cuddling the pillows. "Though, why does it look so bleak?"

The beddings is white, and so as the pillowcases. Aside from the color of the wood on the board and its floor legs, the whole bed is clad in white. Isn't this bed prone to getting dirty? He remembered that JiDan would often jump unto the bed without cleaning his usual dirty clothes or climbing up without removing his shoes. With this whiteness, Lang Yuan is afraid that it will be painted with the most abstract combination of dirt and mud by JiDan every day.

Little did Lang Yuan know that the first 'dirt' that will dirty the sheets would be coming from him.

"Should I request newer sheets?" Lang Yuan rolled over the edge of the bed. However, he miscalculated his balance and slid off at the edge. Luckily, he managed to hold unto the cabinet on the side rattling the pair of wine glasses and a bottle of wine. Oh, what is this? Lang Yuan straightened his self to look over at the unusual things on the side cabinet.

"What is this? Why is this here?" He found a small note beside the glassware and read it. He was taught well by JiDan so he was able to recognize the characters. But it took him a few seconds to fully read the whole content.

"C-congratulations to your wedding... Best whishes... Good luck on your first consummation night... you will be receiving ten thousand years of abstinence...?" Lang Yuan furrowed his brows and searched for the writer of the letter. He found Zhong Song's initial on the bottom.

"What does he mean by..."

Huge bed.

White sheets.

Wine bottle and a pair of glass wines.

Consummation night...

Lang Yuan almost got a heart attack when a loud voice suddenly echoed to the room. A eunuch is standing before the room announcing the arrival of the emperor. Lang Yuan could only flinch as he turned his head around seeing a shadow of the person from the shogi door. When the door was opened, a man wearing dragon robes came into view.

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