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Zach's Pov
I wake up the next morning remembering what happened yesterday.

I feel pain near my shoulder and I check what it was, it was the cuts.

I go downstairs and see Jonah preparing breakfast.

J: Good Morning Zach!
Z: yeah, "good" morning.
J: what would u like this lovely morning? Pancake, bacon or eggs?
Z: I'll just take some pancakes.
J: Good. Because I'm only cooking pancakes and egg I don't know where I even got bacon.

I headed to Daniel who was editing the music we made last week.

D: hey Zach
Z: hey Daniel, how's it going?
D: good, wanna listen?
Z: sure.

*zach listens to music*

Z: woah! you sound really good daniel!
D: nah bro, you sound way better.
Z: stop lying ahahhahahahah

I finished my breakfast and went up the stairs to my room to go ahead and shower.

I entered my bathroom and I saw it again.
The blood, the razor, everything. I looked at the mirror and cried.

I removed my hoodie and saw the cut, it was big and it was still a fresh cut since it only happened yesterday night.


I see the my phone light up as a notification appeared from instagram

man, you suck! you don't deserve lena! she's an amazing beautiful talented woman who deserves better! ur better off dead than with her!
seen by imzachherron

maybe i am
deleted at 12:45am

wow. timing is just so great sometimes.

one more. just one more.

I slowly picked up the razor lying on my bathroom sink and cut a slit on my arm near my last one.

I silently screamed in pain not wanting my band members to hear me.

There it was, another cut.

It might lead me closer and closer to death... where everyone wants me to be.

I stripped and hopped in the shower.
I turned it on and watched as my blood flowed out of my arm.

When I looked down the floor was so red, and it just kept going.

Look who updated after more than a year! Yes, it's been more than a year since I last wrote a chapter of this book...
I've been using Wattpad more frequently so expect more updates and I can upload more since DUH we're all stuck in quarantine :(

anyways, see you next time <3

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