Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The longer she stared at the digital clock hung up on the wall, the more she realized how long she had lived her life not knowing the concept of juncture or even punctuality. There had never been a need for time. The sun rose each morning and fell asleep each night and such a low amount of information made all the difference to her.

But she was no longer at home. Understanding time, punctuality, and the basic social construct of it all had been demanded of her since she had landed on Earth. She stared at digital clocks, phone clocks, and even grandfather clockworks that decorated certain parts of the tower. At first, these simple decorations meant little to nothing to her. Upon small conversations with different tenants of the tower, she had been shoved into the never ending questions.

"What time is it?"

"Do we have time for this?"

"Isn't it too late?"

Lateness seemed to be the most popular circumstance in question when it came down to it. A question that popped out of Tony's mouth more than (Y/N) could even count. She would've considered him punctual upon first meeting. After engaging in experiments and living alongside him for quite a while, she realized her first impression was incredibly incorrect. But what had punctuality ever mattered to her? Time disappeared as soon as her people did.

"We've had so many tests today." (Y/N) said to Tony. Her right elbow was propped up on a glass table in his lab, her palm holding the side of her temple as she simultaneously yawned and grew more impatient with passing milliseconds as he continued not to answer.

They had been in the lab for an incredibly long time. She'd woken up approximately around nine o'clock in the morning and had taken to quite the morning routine as soon as she finally understood the concept. Human showers baffled her and made the experience feel like a privilege every morning. Being able to stand by a tall and wide window with soft fabric hugging her skin filled her with a sense of peace she'd never known before.

That sense of peace was the same one she reminisced about as Tony clicked away on his electronics, a STARK pen hanging out of the corner of his mouth. He was concentrated yet frenzied all at once, a deduction (Y/N) knew was legitimate, however, her impatience lacked tolerance.

"We've been all the way down here for five straight hours, Mr. Stark," She sighed, eyes fluttering shut as her face squished more into the palm of her hand, "I barely got to enjoy the foot-traffic outside this morning before it was time for work," She used the word 'work' distastefully. She'd heard many civilians use it in the same context, she could only assume 'work' meant unhappiness and discontent.

Pausing, Tony turned from his computer and swiped his forearm across his sweaty forehead. Tapping on a keyboard and running tests on an ethereal being made him perspire out of nervousness and a hungry will to understand her kind, or simply just her.

"Give me a few more minutes, okay?" He said, blinking rapidly as his eyes darted back and forth from the monitor to his female test subject, "The blood diagnostic is almost finished."

In that moment, she finally remembered why the crevasse of her right arm was so sore. Tony had been conducting diagnostics on her blood since the first experiment to biologically and technologically observe her origins. He'd told her it was to gain knowledge as to whether or not her powers could be scientifically enhanced or if they were always going to remain hereditary without a need to amplify the powers already in use.

"I'd say you've almost drained me."

Tony rolled his eyes with a grin, glancing at her momentarily only to look back at his monitor and type without stopping. He created a comfortable silence again but this time the female creature had begun to doze in her seat. The palm that had been resting her face had suddenly begun to slip and loosen, until she was slumped against the glass table with her head hung slightly low. Eyes had fluttered closed and she listened to the gentle rhythm of the computer keys. Somehow the sound was soothing. It reminded her of the small grains of Titan's fields that would tap against her shack, the wind pushing them farther, making the tapping louder as the breeze would pick up.

F.R.I.D.A.Y. took note of the woman asleep in front of Tony, "Mr. Stark, I do believe your experiment has fallen asleep."

Tony chuckled gently at the surprisingly quiet tone of F.R.I.D.A.Y. As if the AI comprehended the courteous manner of being silent.

Many times, (Y/N) had fallen asleep in that same exact spot. He couldn't blame her. He kept her from the early morning, until lunch, gave her a few hours, and then it was time to start testing again. As terrible as it probably seemed to the rest staying in the tower, it was necessary to keep the girl safe. Tony viewed her as more than a test subject, but he needed to get the knowledge so he could promise safety for both her and her home and his own. He placed that massive responsibility on his own shoulders, of course, but it was better that he did it as opposed to twenty other governments trying to do it for him.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., can you pause the blood diagnostic so we can finish it tomorrow afternoon?" He took the pen out of his mouth and began to rest his work before the AI could even respond. All of his work would be paused for the remainder of the night so he could get (Y/N) to bed.

His tired hands took the wires from her temples, chest, and the crevasse in her elbow. Stirring awake momentarily, she groaned quietly and sleepily slid back into her seat, head rolling back, arms folded loosely in her lap. Tony knew it was going to be disruptive to maneuver her all the way up to her room, so instead he snuck away into one of his many closets in the lab and took out a few blankets in pillows. He silently thanked his past-self for falling asleep so many times while working.

Securing the rest of the lab and his technology, Tony dimmed the lights and stepped outside of the doors. Glancing back for just a moment to watch (Y/N) make herself more comfortable in the seat. He couldn't help but feel bemused by the sight. He knew in the afternoon he would come back to the lab only to find her laying on the rounded brown sofa in the corner, feet tucked away under a warm, silk blanket with a soft pillow firmly pressed against her head.

(A/N: hey everyone!! i know it's been a while and this chapter isn't very packed with action or anything, but i wanted to do a kind of informative chapter to get myself back into writing again. thank you all so much for your patience and i am ever so grateful for the love and support!!! -abi)

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